My Profile

  • ShonenDizzyCow
  • User Name: ShonenDizzyCow
  • Member Since: Friday, April 13, 2001, 6:40 AM
  • Name: Weng-Cheong Fung
  • Studio: Shonen Productions
  • Location: Malaysia
  • Homepage:
  • Last Login: 2022-04-04 12:12:26
  • Forum Info: Profile        Posts (273)
  • Journal: Last entry made on 2003-08-24 21:29:30
  • Usefulness: 441.1 with 153 opinions
    [average 119.3 of 231913 opinions; standard deviation 432 ]
  • Profile: Hi all,

    I'm a one-person video creator of Shonen Productions. Here's a little quick history/highlights.

    I started this whole music video perhaps slightly different from most people. I was a action movie freak and had always loved watching trailers (all this was before trailers were easily available on the net) and thought won't it be cool if I could do my own trailers, and I felt I could improve over them....

    1996. The net began to have these amazing things called trailers for download, I patiently wait for hours and hours for a 2 meg trailer to be downloaded. I hear of this wonderful program called premiere 4, shortly after I got a (then) new pc, a Pentium Classic 133 (non-mmx), I thought the opportunity has arrived.

    I couldn't sleep. I mapped out my trailer of dreams in my mind and eventually wrote the things out on paper. It was (for the record), a trailer to Independence Day using, Independence Day footage of course (!). Heh, but reality interrupts as I realized that I don't even own a shread of footage from it, but ah-ha do I? There were all those really tiny trailers that I downloaded, surely that would be enough? But there was a bigger problem - I didn't know how to edit.

    Smartly, or actually foolishly (in hindsight) I thought I try out something smaller first. Star Trek! My one other love, which I had a bunch of footage for. So after testing out making a small random video, to make sure I could render out something (so that I won't waste my time only to find out that I'm screwed) I began. I dragged all my video clips directly into the timeline. O_O. This posed a problem - total footage was about 5 times longer than the song I has inserted. And I *really* wanted to show all those great moments from trek. So after being rather puzzled, I thought - hey why not edit the song to be longer so that I can fit in more footage? I ended more than doubling the song, almost incrementally and after about 2 weeks of being really worked up, being really pumped each time I rendered a copy and watched it, it was "done". I had made my first music video. (I would end up remaking it 2 more times over the years ^_^).

    I became rather comfortable working with very limited footage (sometimes the song is longer than the footage I have, !!), which helped me develop a style where I try to utilize every single second of footage if possible. New creators should try it - use 10-15 minutes of footage and challenge yourself to make a music video, heh. So after taking the giant first step I proceeded to make more videos to live action movies. I would eventually make 8 of them. They slowly became less and less trailer like and more like true music videos over the years.

    In 1997 I found that one of my games, called privateer 2 had video clips on it, like trailers of the previous wing commander games, I said why not, and out came my first game music video (I would eventually remaster it with a TOTALLY different song, while not changing the footage ^_^). I would eventually make 11 game music videos as of 2002. Another big leap was when Fellow hoodlum in 1998 who at that point had not started editing, found out how to rip psx FMV footage, and it was good. All these footage at last!! Footage encompassing the entire game in all it's entirety, at last!! You would not believe how grateful I was in having this 'benefit'. That video turned out to be my longest video I've ever done, spanning 4 songs and lasting 8 minutes. ^_^

    So being rather comfortable with live action and game videos, I began to dabble with anime footage in 1998, beginning from some PSX games and eventually I stumbled upon a copy of Ninja Scroll, which I loved a lot, and out came the original version of Ninja On Me. Me partly because of working in isolation was really sucky in video technical matters, the Ninja On Me video quality turned out really crappy, which was quite a disappointment to me. Perhaps that made me stop.

    Work at that time was building up towards 1999 and while Fellow Hoodlum has begun to edit his first videos, being encouraged by my videos, I guess I was loosing interest, especially after finding out that using VCD footage, which was the most accessible way for obtaining footage turned out crappy, jerking footage. (thought it was my fault, which at that point I had not realized). My computer was also getting old and it was less and less fun so I began to use it less and less. Other than a few small projects (including one for my work, used as a presentation, cooked up in 2 hours), I basically stopped editing. My computer eventually blew up as well. Well that's certainly a bummer, and my job sucked more and more.

    Year 2000. Spending my time on other hobbies (like watching anime, like Evangelion!), I eventually found a new job that was tons better, which not only paid more, allowed me more personal time and less stress at work. It also allowed me access to really high bandwidth, which I eventually came across the first ever music video that was made by a stranger. I couldn't believe it. After 4 year basically making videos on my own, there were other people making them, and there were contests being heldas well, which means it's must be fairly popular! For the record I think the first one I saw was Doki Doki's K-team video. Hmmm interesting. I began to search for more and realized it was a growing hobby by others online. It was around this point that I realized that I had somehow 'developed' a 'style' of my own, by experimenting, and learning, thanks to me being able to make videos without any external or peer influence in my first few years, a rare advantage, these days, I feel, where it is difficult not to be influenced by other people.

    So on rolled along 2001 and I was informed by Fellow Hoodlum that there exist a site called It was really new. It had like 100 or so only members. But I didn't quite join yet, but FH did. He listed his videos, with a help of a friend to host them and to my suprise, he began to get reviews! REVIEWS! I could do with that. I made so many videos all these years and I barely showed them to more than 10 people, not truly knowing how most people will react to them or getting any real feedback, from peers even! I've was only able to wonder until then. Suddenly, now I could share my videos with the world, and hoped that maybe people might enjoy it! That sounded interesting enough to make me sign up to this site around April 2001 and I promptly listed 3 of my (then) best looking videos (they were all game videos). Lo and behold, I began to get review and it was positive, which greatly encouraged me. (My first review was given by no other than the classic, controversial member who is no longer on this site, Sammy, heh, he loved it), another early reviewer, Iserlohn, said something else to encourage me, that I should try entering my videos into contest. Hmmm.

    While I had always enjoyed all my vids (and still do, after all I made them in isolation, with nobody to show to, you learn to make them for your own enjoyment, not for contest or fan pleasing factors ^_^) I thought my vids were a little dated and I should start making a new video. And I had really enjoyed watching Evangelion the year before, so I was restless to make my video to Evangelion, doubling as my comeback video. And so I began on making my little vid that would eventually become Evangelion Opus. In 2001 I would eventually re-make 4 of my vids too, submit to my first contest and win my first award, 3 awards actually, in Mindwarp's 2001 winter contest. It surely got me firmly back to video editing, and I realized there was much more to learn about video making (especially it's technical side).

    So 2002 became one of my biggest years in video making, me making about 10 videos and winning about 10 awards, having lots of fun along the way and I was lucky enough get to know some of you even, which makes it all the more fun being here! I got a dvd, learned how to rip and encode high quality vids (with the help of some of you, especially DrDude), I started making trailer vids again, and strived to improve my other video editing skills - namely effects and lip-synch, and I hope I was sucessful.

    Feb : DVD player aquired
    March : Eva Opus Remade
    May : Resident Evil Gets Mentioned on (Host subsequently gets slashdotted)
    June : VOB/AVS editing
    Sept : My first 2 AWA awards
    November : My first Xvid vid

    Which brings us to today, 2003! ^_^

    As for my method of editing, I'm not much of a storyboard person, as I find it limits my options. I keep things flexible and fluid, and let my videos evolve while I make them. I'm also not a chronological editor, I can start videos right in the middle or end of the song even and jump around, eventually filling in all the rest of the vid. Even when I've got footage for the whole audio, the vid is probably like 40% done only as I tend to rework it over and over, well till I'm "done". ^_^

    Right now my rig is a P3 770, 512 RAM, 200GB HDD(cumulative) and I use Premiere 6.5 with all the usual helper apps. I should upgrade =P. All this vob editing takes way too long. Anyways, to date I've made about 40 videos to a large variety of genres so far. For a more complete list of everything head on to my website. (Link Above)

    Lyrics to me form the core of the video concept (though I've made a few intrumentals before), I fully utilize the words, so do read the lyrics posted of my videos - they are essential to the music videos and you'll enjoy them more that way. Also, look out for footage 'interacting and visually moving' with the music/instruments. It is somewhat hard to explain, it's best to just experience it for yourself. Also, screenshots of my videos are available at my home page.

    I read and appreciate all my reviews and you can be sure that if you drop a review/opinion, I will reply to it, so do check back if possible. I might also re-evaluate the reviews I give occasionally and change stuff slightly.

    Please take note of my average scores given, but when I give reviews. I welcome post-review comments and discussion, as it help in providing a better reflected review and score. I often may change my scores if your reply helped in explaining some parts that I might have missed. Nothing is static, everything is evolving.

    I listen to an average variety of music (though not as much as I would like, and definitely not as much as some of you :P) except maybe hip-hop/rap/country, though I do like some select varieties within them. As for the list of anime's I have watched/watching, go to my home page and click on 'Anime Info' for the most updated list of shows that I've watched.

    Enjoy, thanks for reading! Drop an opinion (link at bottom of each video page) if you had enjoyed my videos. Feedback makes the AMV world go round!


    I suppose I should put some words here on the missing links to all my videos. That's because my ex-host cancelled his service, hence no more links. And no, I do not have an alternative download location at the moment so it is basically not downloadable, at least from me, so perhaps this will reduce the amount of e-mail I get asking for my vids at the moment. Also for those who don't know the source files are larger than any huge that you can think of so it's out of the question to send it via e-mail or whatever other method, so please don't ask for that either. Someday perhaps I might upload my vids again them to the org or somewhere else, but since the org only allow for FINAL uploads, I'll take my time to see if I want to re-compress my videos in a better compression before I upload. Someday. Until then, thanks for the interest in my vids....hopefully one day they'll be back!



global average

  • Count231913
  • Originality8.47
  • Visual Quality8.37
  • Audio9.00
  • Action Sync8.45
  • Lip Sync8.24
  • Special Effects8.49
  • Effort8.60
  • Re-view-ability7.92
  • Overall8.43

average given

  • Count153
  • Originality7.85
  • Visual Quality7.89
  • Audio8.67
  • Action Sync7.63
  • Lip Sync7.68
  • Special Effects7.64
  • Effort7.54
  • Re-view-ability6.23
  • Overall7.64

average received

  • Count343
  • Originality8.98
  • Visual Quality9.03
  • Audio9.22
  • Action Sync9.16
  • Lip Sync8.77
  • Special Effects9.00
  • Effort9.28
  • Re-view-ability8.43
  • Overall9.08


Neon Genesis Evangelion
Gunbuster (Aim for the Top!)
FLCL (Fooly Cooly)
Serial Experiments Lain
Cowboy Bebop
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi No Koe)
RahXephon (TV)
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Ninja Scroll (Movie)

My Videos (14)

  • Rei, Clone Trooper (2003-05-28)
    [hits: 2869][opinions: 6]
    • Starwars Episode 2 Clone Trooper TV Spot
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
    • Action
    • Character Profile
    • Fun
    • Other
    • Parody
    • Trailer
  • [hits: 8494][opinions: 15]
    • Moulin Rouge Soundtrack Come What May
    • Moulin Rouge Come What May
    • Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi No Koe)
    • Drama
    • Romance
  • Akira Under My Skin (2002-12-02)
    [hits: 9892][opinions: 13]
    • Frank Sinatra I've Got You (Under My Skin)
    • Bono I've Got You (Under My Skin)
    • Akira (Movie)
    • Action
    • Character Profile
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Fun
    • Parody
    • Romance
  • The Last Indigo Sky (2002-11-07)
    [hits: 4991][opinions: 17]
    • Deacon Blue Indigo Sky
    • Final Fantasy 10 (X)
    • Character Profile
    • Drama
    • Romance
  • Symbolic Love Story (2002-10-21)
    [hits: 3485][opinions: 6]
    • Inkspots I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (Death & Rebirth)
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
    • Character Profile
    • Comedy
    • Fun
    • Parody
    • Romance
  • Akira Report (2002-10-20)
    [hits: 3199][opinions: 10]
    • Minority Report Trailer Audio Track
    • Akira (Movie)
    • Action
    • Character Profile
    • Fun
    • Other
    • Parody
    • Trailer
  • Eva Potential (2002-08-19)
    [hits: 11156][opinions: 22]
    • Antonio Banderas The Lady's Got Potential - Evita Soundtrack
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (Death & Rebirth)
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
    • Action
    • Character Profile
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Fun
    • Parody
  • The Final Wanderers (2002-05-02)
    [hits: 2967][opinions: 11]
    • U2 | Johnny Cash The Wanderer
    • Final Fantasy 9 (IX)
    • Character Profile
    • Drama
    • Parody
    • Romance
  • Resident Eva (2002-03-10)
    [hits: 11770][opinions: 30]
    • Resident Evil Trailer Audio Track
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (Death & Rebirth)
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
    • Action
    • Fun
    • Horror
    • Other
    • Parody
    • Trailer
  • Evangelion Opus (2001-11-16)
    [hits: 104366][opinions: 149]
    • Queen Bohemian Rhapsody
    • Queen Bohemian Rhapsody (Live at Wembley '86 Version)
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (Death & Rebirth)
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
    • Action
    • Character Profile
    • Drama
    • Horror
    • Serious
  • Ninja On Me (2001-10-01)
    [hits: 3581][opinions: 9]
    • Faye Wong Eyes On Me
    • Ninja Scroll (Movie)
    • Action
    • Character Profile
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Romance
  • [hits: 3759][opinions: 13]
    • U2 Barefoot Dancing
    • Parasite Eve 1 (game)
    • Character Profile
    • Drama
    • Fun
    • Horror
    • Other
  • Parasite Must Go On (2001-04-13)
    [hits: 6084][opinions: 20]
    • Queen Show Must Go On
    • Parasite Eve 1 (game)
    • Action
    • Character Profile
    • Horror
    • Serious
  • Tekken Party (2001-04-13)
    [hits: 5780][opinions: 22]
    • Beastie Boys Fight For Your Right (to Party)
    • Tekken 3
    • Action
    • Comedy
    • Dance
    • Fun