- User Name: 808-buma
- Member Since: Monday, April 25, 2005, 6:40 PM
- Donation Level: Total Leech (Participant)
- Name: Roy B
- Location: Honolulu, USA
- Homepage: http://home.earthlink.net/~808-buma/
- Last Login: 2025-01-01 01:55:36
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (836)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2006-07-18 16:01:36
- Usefulness: 584.6 with
28 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231942 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: [version 070511]
Well, as you can see from my profile above, I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was first introduced to AMV's while staffing at Hawaii's first anime convention: Kawaii Kon 2005. The week after the kon, I decided to try and make my very first AMV (that and the fact that I was sick for 5 days and needed something to do to boot). After doing a lot of reading and research (mostly here, some at videohelp.com too), I still thought that this was in my capabilities and began work on my very first AMV.
Now, two years later, and I'm still at it. Check out my vids below and see what you think of my progress so far!
Current programs used:
Video Editor - Magix Movie Edit Pro 10 - much better for AMV making as it is a NLE, has 16 tracks for audio and video, outputs to oodles of file types (from your typical AVI to mpegs and even to WMV files too).
Audio Editor - Audacity - man, for a free program, this is one of the easiest editors around to use. There are only 4 tools you need to edit songs like a pro (and one of those tools is the magnifying glass). I can't believe that this simple program is so useful, especially when one needs to cut out sections of songs, or lengthen them, or whatever your fancy desires. All that's required is a good ear.
Utilities - DVD Decrypter (of course), DGEdit - my new way of making clip and at the same time load AVS scripts as well, VirtualDubMod - for batch processing (whee! no more individually loading each one!), AVISynth (more like 'scripting with your eyes closed and fingers crossed' at the moment...)
AMV Projects (either in the works or in the brain):
Unrequited original working title Project Non-Yuri Yuri [released 070610] This vid is all Rina-Rina's fault - I blame her completely. Premiering at Kawaii Kon 2007, it is now available for download from the ORG as a local (mp4) and direct (xvid-avi) link.
Project Move [raw concept stage only] yummy, dance video idea. Might get around to this one sometime soon... this and Project March (see below) need to fight it out to figure out who's going to be the next vid I do...
Project March [raw concept stage only] more of a desire to use Sakura Diaries for a vid, I think I've found the perfect song for it. I wonder if I can do romance / sentimental with a semi soft-hentai (so, would that be ecchi?) anime and not be too campy? This will be my next project if I can help it
Void Shaped Heart original work title Project VD-Mep2 [completed 070210] Another year, another V-day mep piece. It seems that I've been just making a lot of MEP pieces and very little stand-alone videos. Hopefully this will change soon, espeically with this piece. Although it's only 2 minutes long, I think that it can stand on it's own as there is an internal structure to it. Available for download from the ORG as a local and direct link.
PSA Rule #06 original working title Project SAST [completed 060923] Originally slated for the AWA12 SAST contest, I finally got my act together and uploaded this very short video. I really enjoyed making this piece as short as it was. Created mainly due to an incident where a fellow editors work was stolen from him and the thief actually entered it into a contest! Go to the video info page for more - now available for download locally and thru a direct link.
Project Destiny [concept stage + clips only] a second video that will be using NG Evangelion (sucker for punishment? Well, if I can get clips for both at the same time...). Hopefully, this will center on Asuka (as who needs another screaming Shinji video made?) and her path of who she was, is, and what her final destiny becomes. This ain't gonna get made until after Project Bite is done as I'm doubtful that I can even get Bite done in time for K2-2006. Update - this video will be put on hold for the time being.
Project Love/Hate [concept stage only] originally, this idea was ment as a joke for the AMValentines MEP, but as I went thru it, I think that it can be made into a full-fledge, 2-minute video. Other than saying it will have EVA footage (gotta get my 'money' out of all those clips I made) and saying the song is by the Smiths, mum's the word on this project, so far. Update - on hold - brain too squishy to do yet, maybe later
Threshold working title: Project Bite [completed 060221, now finally available for download] It's done! It's done! It's done! whew. This project was a battle right up to the end as I seem to have fought every part of it (the clips, the music, the editing, the crappy crappy footage of NGE, etc). Will have to wait a bit for it's premiere as I am entering this into my local convention, Kawaii Kon 2006, which doesn't happen to the middle of April. Until then, want to send out a special thanks to JaddziaDax (Katie) & JubJub2 (Christy) for their beta-testing and comments on this project.
Project JJ [completed 060313] - its done its done its done its done! whee!!! My vid for it is also available as a separate download, please ee my profile. Talk about difficult vids for me. Fast-paced song, a lot of rapid cuts and effects up the wazoo for me. Glad I fiinished this piece - I'm not doing another one like this for a while
an AMValentine's Day MEP with another bunch of editors on the boards [completed 060216] - my original idea for this project was way too dark, depressing and potentially too hard of a story to relate within the limited time we were allowed (up to 1 min +/-). Still wanting to participate, I raided my music collection for an idea and after all prospects were listened to, Missing by Everything but the Girl (more commonly known as 'Like the Deserts Miss the Rain' - hell, I even had it mis-labeled originally) came out as a winner. Team up our favorite anti-hero Shinji with a mysterious 'lost love' the his looking for (don't worry, you find out who at the end - it's not that hard to figure out, sorta like the identity of the 4th child...) and set it to a strangely paired love-lost song that has a dance beat to it and you end up with this video clip. Available for download at the ORG.
Christmas at the ORG MEP with a bunch of other editors on the board [completed 051222] this was sort of a 'why the hell not' vid clip for me. I really wanted to get some practice with the NG EVA footage, and it seemed perfect to match Gendo with Cheech and Kozo with Chong talking about Santa. I think it turned out well for my first extended lip sync. Available for download here at the ORG.
Blue Ambition (working title was WCIBP, or Why Can't I Be Priss) [completed 051117] - well, didn't make the deadline for the SSJ's Big Character Profile Contest!, but it's finally done! Better late than never... Available for download here at the ORG.
DGDI1&0 Do Ghosts Dream In Ones & Zeros [completed 050901] done, and now available for download here at the ORG.
Project CCK [completed 050519] done, and now available for download lat the ORG.