Video Information


  • Member: ClaudiusVideo's
  • Studio: Valentine Home Studios
  • Title: Seven Mortal Sins - Half God Half Devil
  • Premiered: 2017-11-17
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • In This Moment Half God Half Devil (Slightly Extended)
  • Anime:
  • Comments: i dont know the date but i have been working on it for about a week and a half straight

    i say first hand i love this anime and song DOES FIT (screw you)
    theres a few ups and downs with this the good parts out way the
    bad parts but the bad parts weigh heavy, the good parts are 1st is
    the demon lords look hot (extremely) the animation is good if they
    took out all the flairs that make the white color too bright the story
    is good when they actually get to it, best episodes are 1 2 5 8 - 12,

    i had to add my girl satan in somehow shes my type,
    i love the sexy strong stubborn chicks plus my fav color is red :D

    the bad parts of the anime is, the flair is extremely bad the white is holy shit my eyes burn bright lol, the mc is a little bland and dull but still hot (lol) the best characters are the jumpy pink haired rap chick and my girl satan (gate chick) last thing on the bad side is that the story may be somewhat good but it really doesn't go anywhere it drags its feat best thing to do is really skip through episodes or ull be bored to tears, seven mortal sins would of been better as a short ova series. side note the name satan is lucifer why do we need 2 characters with the same name DUHH lol

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