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Why should I become a member?

Membership is quick, free, and has its benefits. Members may:

  1. Enter video information into the site catalog.
  2. Upload videos to the local storage servers (free).
  3. Enter and read opinions about videos.
  4. Post messages in the forums.
  5. Access the 101540 currently locally hosted videos.
  6. Access to ratings lists to find good videos.

The minimum required information for site membership is:

  • A unique site username
  • A unique valid email address
  • A site password

This site is entirely free for you and any other member to use. Please be aware that this site depends on donations by members in order to keep this site alive. You and any other member of this site may be asked to donate from time to time. However, you and all other members are under no obligation to actually donate to the site. All donations are purely voluntary and are not required in any way in order to upload or download local videos at this site.

Members who donate to keep this site running enjoy the following bonus site features:

More Super Search Features:

  • Star Information in Search Results List
  • Expanded Anime Search Options
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      • Already Downloaded
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  • Sort By
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    • Opinion Count

More Video Information:

  • Detailed Star Information on the Video Info Page
  • "Already Downloaded" Indication

And More:

  • "Already Downloaded" Indication on the Top Star Scale Lists
  • External promotions controls
  • No 10 Second Delay for Local Downloads
  • Daily Upload Stats Graph on Member Main Page
  • More Results in "New Videos" List on the Member Main Page
  • Your Star Rating Indications on VCA Ballot Pages
  • Donation Status Display Option
    • Member Profile
    • Forum Post Member Info

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