Video Information


  • Member: ChristianHUN
  • Studio: [BLS] Bad Luck Studios
  • Title: The Great Destroyer
  • Premiered: 2008-09-15
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Nine Inch Nails the great destroyer
  • Anime:
  • Comments:

    The Story
    Well...because there wasnt Schneizel (sob T_T) in the CG R1, I thought that Cornelia could be a nice opponent for Lelouch. So, Cornelia is the one who is fighting against Zero and trying to stop him with his comrades, the "Speared Knightmares". (Couldnt came up better name :P) Everybody else is below Lelouch's command in this amv.
    Suzaku is also trying to stop him but Lelouch and CC get rid of him inside in his head before the last war. Yeah I know, its rly simple XD But this is an action amv, what did you expect? :P

    All Hail Lelouch!

    About the amv
    On a rainy (or shiney?) day, I'm searching for NIN albums on my PC when I saw a weird (to me as an CG fan) album name: "Year Zero"
    Hahahaha....lets check it out...lets see... The Great Destroyer?! OMG! That must be a sign! I need to create a Code Geass AMV on that!!! -> That was what I thought.

    The song isnt that short, but i've cut down the "weird sound" from the end. It wasnt to good to my ears after 10 times, and it wouldnt be good to your ears after 1 time I think, so yeah, its short, but that is the whole song in reality.

    Oh, and yeah, I know...the title isnt too original, because it is the same as the song. However it was perfectly match to my whole composition, thats why I left that way.

    Say your name.
    Try to speak as clearly as you can.
    You know everything gets written down.
    Nod your head.
    Just in case they could be watching.
    With their shiny satellite.

    I hope they cannot see.
    The limitless potential.
    Living inside of me.
    To murder everything.
    I hope they cannot see.
    I am the great destroyer.

    Turn it up.
    Listen to the shit they pump into your head.
    Filling you with apathy.
    Hold your breath.
    Wait until you know the time is right on time.
    The end is near.

    I hope they cannot see.
    The limitless potential
    Living inside of me.
    To murder everything.
    I hope they cannot see
    I am the great destroyer

Opinions (2)
