Video Information


  • Member: Megamom
  • Studio: Planetside
  • Title: Looking For Something
  • Premiered: 2006-07-12
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Coldplay The Scientist
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Comentarios en Español:
    En Internet hay una pagina llamada YURICON.ORG, creo que es la pagina oficial del genero YURI en los animes, o como sea, no conozco mucho de esas cosas aunque soy un gran fanático de UTA KATA, MARIA SAMA GA MITERU y muchas mas… "La Lista" es nuestra lista de en la vida-crecimiento de anime y caracteres de la manga que cualquiera parece ser lesbianas… en esa lista se encontraban LAIN y ALICE, cosa que me sorprendió mucho puesto que yo era un gran fanático de SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN. Que tonto no medí cuenta antes.

    Me he dedicado a crear un AMV, que muestre la gran amistad de Lain y Alice, cuando esta ultima termina siendo su única amiga en el mundo, pero eso no lo muestro…es como una especie de parodia porque utilice la canción THE SCIENTIST por COLDPLAY, obviamente si han visto el video todo sucede al revés, en mi AMV todo sucede igual, al revés, espero que sea de su agrado y les guste.
    Comments in English:
    In Internet there is one called YURICON.ORG it paginates, I believe that it is the it paginates official of the I generate YURI in you Anime them, or like be, I don't know much of those things although I am UTA KATA'S great fanatic, MARÍA SAMA GA MITERU and many but… The List is our list of in the life-growth of it encourages and characters of the sleeve that anyone seems to be lesbians… in that list LAIN and ALICE were, thing that I was surprised a lot since I was a great fanatic of SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN. That fool didn't measure it counts before.

    I have been devoted to believes you an AMV that shows the great friendship of Lain and Alice, when this it finishes it finishes being their only friend in the world, but that not the shows… it is like kind of to parody because it you use the song THE SCIENTIST for COLDPLAY, obviously if they have seen the video everything it happens the other way around, in my AMV everything happens equally, the other way around, I hope it is of their pleasure and they like.

Opinions (3)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.33
  • 8.67
  • 10.00
  • 7.67
  • 10.00
  • 10.00
  • 9.00
  • 8.00
  • 8.00
