Video Information


  • Member: nincube8
  • Title: Kingdom Hearts II - Greatest's Hits Mix
  • Premiered: 2006-06-12
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Various Various Songs
  • Anime:
  • Comments: A video I made using Adobe.....

    Its been about two years since I made a video, and its high time i made this one. I am taking this one to AX or Anime Expo in California this year. Its puropse is to make people laugh, and have a good time with it. It may be a little high on the file size, but I like the videos I make in high quality.

    Credit goes out to the Creators of the music and visuals including Square-Enix, Tetsuya Nomura-san and many many others. I may find the time to add a list of credits, but for now, I will just leave you with my most humble thanks.

    Thank you to everyone who watches this and gives and oppinion good or bad.

    Arigato Gozaimasu,
    Happy watching
    Cevat Kose

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