- Member: JaddziaDax
- Title: Simple Things
- Premiered: 2005-11-23
- Categories:
- Keane Somewhere Only we Know
- Anime:
Software Used:
DVD Decryptor
VirtualDub Mod
Sony Vegas
General Crap:
OK, first I want to state that I know this song/anime combo has been done already, but truthfully this was my original idea for this video (for the video I wanted to do for Place Promised that is)... then I looked it up and found the combo already listed here (GAH!!!!!!!)... I debated a long time with myself on weather or not I really wanted to do it anyways and I decided to do it anyways. (ovbiously)
So, I guess originality is all out of the door o.0 lol but thats okay :) cause I wanted to do this video anyways... and I had fun making this video even with the bumps in the road... (bumps meaning compression, GAH!)
Inspirations for this video:
Koop's Waking Hour - of course :P Wouldnt probably have watched the Anime without it.
Kusoyaro's Somewhere only We Know - as that was the first place I heard / loved the song :)
Thanks :)
Feel free to leave an opinion if you wish, I always like to hear that people are enjoying my videos!
Quick Comments
2005-11-25 20:25:55 Riveting! - kitsunebeolnet
2005-11-25 14:38:10 seemed kinda random
2005-11-24 22:43:13 I liked the AMV overall, pretty smoooth flow. The quality was beautiful, who cares if its encoded from windows movie maker. Kinda used scenes with the aircraft alot and I'm sure it played a significant role in the anime but it left me wanting more from the characters cause the song fit so well with scenes showing the girl. Star rank: 4 -Evafan-
2005-11-24 17:59:26 I loved it!!
2005-11-24 00:52:32 Hm, the song works well, but if you haven't seen the anime, you'd be lost. Good thing I've seen the anime! :D
Truthfully its lyric sync, or atleast for me it is, alot of it resonates from the series itself, and there are alot of "dream sequences" in this so I suppose it might come off as a bit random... either way, it would seem alot of people are enjoying it (I hope)... :)
Opinions (12)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 8.60
- 9.40
- 9.70
- 9.00
- 9.50
- 8.90
- 9.00
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
53.3 MiB
Local File SimpleThings (FINAL) - JaddziaDax.avi Duration 242.88 seconds Video Track 1637.816 kb/s Xvid [DX50] 720 x 480 @ 29.97 fps Audio Track MP3 @ 192 kbps 44.1 kHz, stereophonic sound