Video Information


  • Member: Ravyn89
  • Title: Complicated InuYasha
  • Premiered: 2005-07-12
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Avril Lavigne Complicated
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This one is mostly Kagome/InuYasha. A few other couples show up too: Koga/Ayame, Sango/Miroku and there's even a little Kikyo/InuYasha. My view is it's Kagome singing mostly about InuYasha but also talking to the other couples having problems. I kind of wasn't smart and didn't get the lyrics for this... So if the clips don't fit exactly that's why. but I still think its cool and it mostly fits. I really like doing these mix amv's but I can never think of a song that I could do a mix of couples. So i did the best I could with this song.

    This amv took me two days. About an hour and a half each day. I didn't do a whole lot of planning for this one, but I think it still turned out pretty spiffy. I especially like the first scene and how well it goes with the music. That wasn't planned at all, it happened all on its own. So let me know what you think and please reply at some point....

    In fact, get a piece of paper. Go on, get one! And a pencil or pen. Did you get one? I don't believe you!!!! Go on, I'm not going anywhere, just grab something! Alright, now write this down: Complicated InuYasha AMV reply - Or something like that. Something that will let you remember that my e-mail is and I would like a reply to my wonderful amv!!!!! Even if you don't think its wonderful

Opinions (1)
