Video Information


  • Member: Fungie½
  • Studio: Baka Deshi Productions!
  • Title: A Boy's Love [Version 3]
  • Premiered: 2002-10-19
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Gigi D'Agostino I'll Fly With You
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This video is one of my oldest works to date, and I've redone it so many times that I don't even want to think about it anymore. I think I still have a crappy 4.2MB Realplayer file somewhere on a burnt disc but I'm really not sure anymore. The original version was done with Windows Movie Maker and a 3rd generation fansub, the second with a VCD and WMM, and the third with a SVHS master of the movie, a DC30+ card, and iMovie. The last version was my best and it was done at an actual editing studio (they let me create my video there ^_^). It tells the story of the two boys and how one cares for the other and I made it look as if the other cares about the other as well. I did this video originally with no sense of timing, and it was very overlay happy, but the video has such a warm spot with me, and therefore once I get my capture card, I'll redo this video and put it online. For all the Kaze to Ki no Uta fans, I love the show too!!!

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