Video Information


  • Member: Fluxmeister
  • Title: Prayer for Destruction
  • Premiered: 2005-03-03
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Muse Apocalypse Please
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Composition: Video Clips & Music

    Category: I am not really sure which it belongs to... it could almost be a character profile... oh well whatever.

    Spoilers: Spoilers for two things you should have seen by now... Eva and Akira...

    Video content notes:

    1 - This video was a ton of fun to make as it is my first experience with Akira and Eva
    footage. Both are incredible and have a ton to offer. (see previous 40,000 videos with

    2 - I wanted to avoid outright action and stick more with character emotions and faces.
    You won't see all that much of Asuka's final battle, but definitely a couple scenes from
    it. You will see plenty of explosions because they are cool.

    3 - I love Muse. Absolution is one of the best CDs I've ever owned and this song seemed
    very appropriate for the idea. I actually was hoping someone would do it... because there
    was no way in hell I was going to ever buy any EVA dvds... but I broke down and decided
    it was time to invest in my AMV editing again... and thus the video began.

    Special Thanks:

    Beowulf - For his frame by frame play by play calling of the action... and his input as well. Thanks to him there are fewer edits.
    DokiDoki - For helping me learn how to export videos from Premiere. :P

    Technical notes:

    1 - Uhm... I found the edge? Again...

    2 - Mattes?

    3 - The video was made with Adobe Premiere 6.5 and Photoshop (well just a little photoshop)

    ... if I think of anything else I will add it ...

    Enjoy the Video! =)

Opinions (33)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.19
  • 9.85
  • 9.89
  • 9.78
  • 9.59
  • 9.78
  • 9.44
  • 9.63
