Video Information


  • Member: anneke
  • Studio: Baka Deshi Productions!
  • Title: Ketsurui
  • Premiered: 2001-05-06
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • The Crow Soundtrack It Can't Rain All The Time
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: WARNING - Some people find this video violent!

    Awards it has won!
    Best Drama/Serious - Mindwarp On-line Contest 2001

    Please leave feedback!

    I rotate what video I host, at about 1 every week (sometimes more often). So if the video you wanted to download was not available, take the poll and tell me which video you want to see. (I'm basing what to put up on the poll vs hits on the various video links, because if you take the time to use the poll your more likely to come back when the video is hosted). Then simply check in next week to see what I'm showing. I'm sorry I have to do this but I don't have that much space.

Opinions (10)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 7.88
  • 5.25
  • 9.00
  • 7.50
  • 8.14
  • 8.13
  • 6.50
  • 8.13
