- Member: Rozard
- Studio: Random Variable Productions
- Title: Soul Cleansing
- Premiered: 2004-10-11
- Categories:
- Cinder Soul Creation
- Anime:
- Participation:
Alright, this is where I get to talk about the video. Basically, I really like Bleach. I've been reading the manga for a while now, and I heard there was going to be an anime. I scoured my music to find a good song for the series, and this is what I came up with. I needed to cut the song down, though, because with only one episode, I wouldn't be able to fill a 3:49 timeline effectively. So I cut it down to 0:55, which is essentially the intro, one chorus, and the outro. The song itself doesn't work too well (the lyrics and all), but the driving beat was great, plus it had something to do with souls :P
The main purpose of this video is to promote the series. I believe it's pretty underrated; I have hardly seen any word of it in any form of media. Hopefully mysuperstar status and superior editing skill0rZvideo will help get people to try the show out. This was made over the course of five days, and a total time of around 20 hours.
The link for this video has been changed to that of the remaster. To download the original version, click the indirect link.