Video Information


  • Member: anneke
  • Studio: Baka Deshi Productions!
  • Title: Choices
  • Premiered: 2004-09-15
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Mercedes Lackey Choices
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: This video came together very well. It was something I have been wanting to do for a long while. I had it plotted all out for months, before I started work on it, so it went together very fast. The Lyrics and knowning each show in the AMV is important to the overal look and feel of the video. The main idea is that it's the choices that we make, that determine who we are.

    I suppose I should write abit more about this video... The lyrics of the song is what makes this video what it is. The more you know of each of the four series shown, the more you can appreciate this video. I was so pleased with how the video came out, how closely it matched what I wanted to do, that I sent it to the AWA master's contest. I knew it wouldn't win, but I felt it was up to that level of video. Maybe I was wrong....but I like my dellusions.

    So you have four story lines to deal with...

    Kenshin, and his decision to fight or not and how it ends Tomoe's life.
    Vampire Hunter D who is always battling with himself over being a vampire or a human.
    X the series, which is about (shoot always forget his name), but the choice to become a warrior of Heaven or Earth, and that his choice holds the world in balance.
    Trigun, where you get Vrash's life which is always in major conflict, he's constant battle with his brother that brings nothing but misery.

    Maybe that's it...this video is really about misery. The four characters are really the most miserable characters I could think of. Then they have alot to be miserable because they have alot on their minds. Which is what the song tries to bring up. I'm not sure if people will understand that, I make videos that are usually far to deep for an anime convention audience, because they want action and humor. However the video really came out how I wanted it to, and portrays the message I wanted it to say. Even if I'm the only one who understands it.

    (Feedback on this video from people who went to AWA is always appreciated. To my shock, someone mentioned that this video was actually one of the better videos in the Master's contest. *SHOCK* Wow... That I was only hurt by the video quality... Shoot...makes me wish I spent more time on the video.)

Opinions (7)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.60
  • 8.80
  • 9.80
  • 9.00
  • 9.50
  • 9.25
  • 9.20
  • 9.40
  • 8.60
