- Member: Yuri Otani
- Studio: Cheeze Factory Productions
- Title: Still Frames in Your Mind
- Premiered: 2004-07-27
- Categories:
- Green Day Good Riddance (time of your life)
- Anime:
- Participation:
- Comments: This video was constructed origonally at a LAN party with my friends, however later I re-worked it with the advice of a more critical (and well slept) friend, and tweaked the video, then showed it to some more friends for more criticism and tweaked it again. I was even so dead set on making this a great AMV that I removed the Header I put on most of my AMV's, and finished with the peice you are about to veiw. it makes a lot more sense if you've seen the four episodes of alien nine. this video is made of episode three where the girls, who have spent the first japanese semester fighting aliens, go on summer vacation together to one of the girl's beach houses. it's kind of meant to focus on the friendship of Kumi and Yuri. every scene was carefully selected, and every effect was placed with a perpose. I hope you enjoy it.
Opinions (1)
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
WMV1/Windows Media Audio
4.98 MiB
Local File Cheeze Factory - Alien Nine - Still Frames in Your Mind.wmv Duration 160 seconds Video Track 204.8 kb/s WMV1 [WMV1] 320 x 240 @ 1000 fps Audio Track Windows Media Audio @ 64.04 kbps 44.1 kHz, stereophonic sound