- Member: JaddziaDax
- Studio: Katie's Web Sight!! Productions
- Title: He is Everything
- Premiered: 2004-04-06
- Categories:
- Vertical Horizon Everything You Want
- Anime:
This is my third AMV.
Please note the release date! This is an OLD video of mine!
Software Used:
Windows Movie Maker
Photo Editing Software (Arcsoft??)
Cleaned up and cropped with:
Virtualdub Mod
Vegas 6.0
Original Notes:
Technically I started working on this one before I started "The Ice Dance" But I was told that it had already been done, so, I sorta lost interest.... It doesnt surprise me in the least if its been done, but this IS my own take on the song, using footage from Cardcaptor Sakura. I have searched several times and I have come to find, that if it has been done its NOT listed on So, I am atleast the first to list it here...
*2007 Clean-up Notes:
The first time I tried to clean up the subs on my earley videos, I was more relieved to have cropped off the subs, than I was worried about video quality.. AND in my innocence, I thought to save quality that I would add a sharpen filter (which backfired) and only crop the scenes with subs (which created a weird jumpy effect) and preserve the .wmv ending (which only lowered the quality more, because I wasnt working with lossless codecs)
Needless to say, I have fixed those earley problems, and even attempted to clean up the video as much as I could with AVIsynth, and I decided to crop off all of the subtitles, and add in my own at the end where they are needed, but alot of the source was originally pretty bad (dont edit with Cardcaptor Sakura Fansubs, they are really bad), and there wasnt much i could do about it...
not to mention this remaster/clean-up was done off of the original .wmv file that i made with WMM so many ages ago (as to get as close to the original source as i could) so the windows movie maker render quality was still pretty low...
Either way it's an XVID .avi now, best i could do to preserve the quality and crop off the subs... (no, I will not be making an .mp4 of this... its not really worth the time) and on top of it all, the file size is smaller compared to the 60mb .wmv i had uploaded last time
*2005 Old Update Notes:
WOW THIS VID WAS RANDOM AS HELL!!! *ahem* (sorry for language)
I guess in my niave n00b-ness I never realized exactly HOW random this vid is lol, but it took a year's worth of experience and a "remaster" for me to see it...
I've made better... meh!
If you really wanna leave an opinion on this vid then feel free to do so... but I have progressed way beyond this vid (about 3 years beyond it), so any advice you may have to offer for this video is more than pointless, but please feel free to tell me if you enjoied it :D Quick Comments always welcome :)
Quick Comments:
2005-09-20 13:15:45 way cool
2005-09-14 10:25:22 Good
2006-02-09 22:46:33 Nice arrangement, interesting ending. Nice early video.
2006-01-11 23:10:35 I liked it. Not completely in-sync, but otherwise it has a nice flow and a great ending piece. - GloryQuestor
2006-06-29 14:35:05 Shows it was your first attempts. U-U
2007-04-18 17:26:27 not bad
Opinions (10)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 8.88
- 6.88
- 9.25
- 8.25
- 9.40
- 9.20
- 8.75
- 8.00
- 8.38
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
45.6 MiB
Local File JaddziaDax - He is Everything.avi Duration 276.11 seconds Video Track 1180.976 kb/s Xvid [DX50] 512 x 276 @ 29.97 fps Audio Track MP3 @ 192 kbps 48 kHz, stereophonic sound