Video Information


  • Deleted: This video has been marked as deleted from the video database. There are several reasons a video might be deleted, including being a duplicate of another entry, being entered in error, and being against site rules. Because this video is deleted, there are no download links available. If this entry was deleted due to being a duplicate and you wish to download this video, you may want to try using one of the video search tools to find the other copy.
  • Member: micpp
  • Title: Megatokyo Opening Animation
  • Premiered: 2004-03-20
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Princess Princess Maware Merry-Go-Round
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This video originally sprung from a discussion on the Megatokyo forums. Someone had suggested that the song "Maware Merry-Go-Round" would make a good theme song for Megatokyo. Feeling inspired, I decided to see how it would work as a music video, and this video resulted. I used Paint Shop Pro to crop the original comics and painfully edit out all the voice bubbles, and then edited it all together with Premiere 6.
    This does not use the whole song, because opening sequences aren't normally 3 minutes long. The song was edited to be opening theme length. Depending on how this video is recieved, I might extend it to cover the entire song.
    For those who are not aware, Megatokyo is a webcomic drawn in manga style, and can be found on-line at

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