Video Information


  • Member: LoopyChew
  • Studio: Laserchicken Productions
  • Title: The Hunt (System Shock)
  • Premiered: 2004-03-06
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • System Shock 2 Medical Science Labs 1
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This video marks a number of firsts for me:

    1. First non-spoiler video. I swore to myself that I\'d use nothing but the first DVD. I had to break that and dip into the second DVD for some footage I wanted, but the video is better for it and STILL spoiler-free.

    2. First full-res encode. Up to now, I couldn\'t figure out how to get rid of scanlines. Not so anymore. XD

    3. First instrumental. The BGM is from a computer game called System Shock 2, the 1999 sequel to a 1994 cult-hit PC game. More on it later.

    This video was designed to be the embodiment of the term \"adrenalin rush.\" Pulse-pounding music, superfast editing, slow-cranked footage, action up the wazoo. I want to overload both the eyes and ears and make people walk away from this video breathless. And I hope I succeeded. ^_^

    I\'m not really so sure where the inspiration for this video came from, although I\'ve had it in mind since I first saw the Ricebox digisubs way back when. The timing is relatively coincidental with WHR\'s airing on Adult Swim, but let me assure that it IS, in fact, entire coincidental. For some strange reason, the shop I purchase my DVDs at didn\'t get any WHR in stock until two weeks ago.

    This video was done in something like four sittings over the course of a week, for a total of roughly ten, maybe twelve hours. This does not factor in ripping/encoding.

    There are two shots in which the footage is tweaked to be more visually consistent (color-composition wise), and both of them are in the opening sequence. See if you can spot\'em. ^^

    About the music: This song--rather, the loops used in this song--are some of the first notes you hear in System Shock 2. I was a big fan of the first game, and was completely psyched by the announcement and subsequent release of the second one. It\'s a testament to the game design that I\'ve installed/played for a few hours/uninstalled this game because I\'m too damn scared of the ambience on something like a semi-annual basis. But this song will always stick with me.

    Being a cult hit computer game, this game didn\'t have its own OST accompanying, which is a pity. I wouldn\'t have ever been able to make this AMV without the Through the Looking Glass Jukebox ( -- it\'s one of the first songs in the System Shock 2 page. If you dig this, check out the rest on that page as well. This one\'s medsci1.mp3 -- a mix created by a guy named BlueLightning whose page doesn\'t apparently exist anymore.

    This also explains the audio quality. ;_; What I\'d give for a clean WAV version of this song.

    Money scene (the shot that played in my head that told me that I HAD to do this vid): Around where the guitars kick in, Sakaki attacks the first witch of the show. The first half of that, followed immediately by the first half of Amon\'s scenes (his busting through the door and rolling in, as well as his attack on the first witch), immediately told me I had something worth continuing.

    Hope you enjoy. ^_^

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