- Member: Beowulf
- Studio: Hype-Odermic Studios
- Title: Hail To The Thief
- Premiered: 2003-09-05
- Categories:
- Radiohead 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm)
- Anime:
- Participation:
(please see bottom for notes on video)
My 10th video! And finally.. an action video!
This video is by far my most ambitious, from a technical viewpoint and from an editing viewpoint as well. At the time of its creation, I realized that I had been making slow, easy, concept based, minimalist editing videos for almost 6 months and I was absolutely sick of it. I wanted something I could edit. I wanted something I could absolutely go apeshit with. I wanted to see what I could do.
Enter the song. Radiohead is one of my favorite bands period, and their new album "Hail To The Thief" is one of the best piece of music I've ever heard. The opening track, 2 + 2 = 5, describes (for all intents and purposes) the end of the world. What better visuals than Evangelion? While there isn't necessarily strait forward lyrical synch (except in some places where I pick and choose), the overall message of the song fits Eva perfectly. The mood seems like it was written for the show and I really tried to capitalize on that aspect. The song is describing the end of the world, and Eva is showing it. The reason the world is ending (and who is responsible) isn't really important :P.
For those of you interested in this sort of thing, I locked myself in my room for about 3 weeks and worked on this video roughly 4-6 hours a day. It was complete ecstasy to edit, and I think it shows in the final outcome :P. I've never had so much fun editing in my life. Everything fell into place. The outcome came out better than I could have ever hoped for, and for that I'm truly grateful to my muse who was yelling my ear the entire time. All in all I'd say this is my best video yet. I'm extremely proud of it and I hope you enjoy!
P.S. It is absolutely essential to watch this video at a very powerful volume with headphones on. The song is very intricate and personal. To watch it at a low volume or with standard speakers would make you lose out on way to much. Plus I encoded the audio at extra high quality just so you could enjoy it :P. Also please watch the video at fullscreen with all your room lights turned off. It is an infinitely better experience.
Note: Please read the lyrics before you watch the video. That way you won't sit there and think to yourself "WTF is this guy whining about?" while watching :P.
Note: Yes the video file size is huge for only about 3:20 worth of song. 73 megs is absolutely the lowest I could get it. You can't have a video based on visuals in anything but high quality :P
The lyrics:
Are you such
A dreamer
To put the world to rights
I'll stay home
Where 2 and 2
Always makes 5
I lay
Down the tracks
Sandbag and hide
Has April showers
And 2 and 2
Always makes 5
Its the devils way now
There is now way out
You can scream and
You can shout
It is too late now...
You have not been paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
You have not been paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
You have not be-en paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
You have not been paying attention
paying attention
paying attention
paying attention!
I try to sing along but the music's all wrong
Cuz I'm not!
Cuz I'm not!
I swat em like flies
But like flies the bugs keep comin back aah!
But I'm not
But I'm not!
But I'm not!
But I'm not!
But I'm not!
Don't question my authority or put me in a box
Cuz I'm not!
Cuz I'm not!
Oh go and tell the king that the sky is falling in when its not!
When its not!
When its not!
Maybe not!
Opinions (120)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 9.10
- 9.85
- 9.95
- 9.79
- 9.50
- 9.78
- 9.10
- 9.60
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
- Indirect MPEG4 (.mp4) 308Kb/ MPEG-4 04:02:00 103 Megs Last Checked: 2009-02-22 14:56:23 200 OK High Quality MPEG-4
73.4 MiB
Local File HypeOdermic Studios - Beowulf - Hail To The Thief.avi Duration 243.61 seconds Video Track 2291.912 kb/s DIVX [DIVX] 512 x 272 @ 29.97 fps Audio Track MP3 @ 224 kbps 44.1 kHz, stereophonic sound