Video Information


  • Member: LantisEscudo
  • Studio: Honou Productions
  • Title: Inflection Point
  • Premiered: 2019-08-09
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Matthew Morrison If the World Turned Upside Down
  • Anime:
  • Comments: After finishing Day of Flight for Animethon, I had a day or two before the deadline for Animethon, so I decided to see if I could quickly edit together this pairing that had gotten stuck in my head after hamstar138 gave me a copy of the Finding Neverland Broadway soundtrack.

    I’ve made a Patema Inverted video with a song about being upside down before, but I like this one’s pacing and structure a bit better.

    This also was entered at Animethon 2019, but didn’t make the finals.

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