Video Information


  • Member: PieandBeer
  • Studio: Tsunderbird Studios
  • Title: Sisyphus
  • Premiered: 2019-12-01
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Andrew Bird Sisyphus
  • Anime:
  • Comments: hoo baby look at that new shiny intro. /welcome to the new age/

    this the time of year i get to force other editors to watch my boring taste in vids hahaha. it didn't make finals but tbh i'm just glad i finished a vid for pro because Kindness took up like most my year haha.

    obviously somewhat influenced by It's Smoky Today by Scarab and Trampler ( I was super inspired by that vid back before i was editing seriously and i can't recommend it enough.

    I was between like 3 moody drama vids and a tech heavy upbeat vid for AWA and went with a moody drama. There is a connection to the lyrics if you know the plot of the movie, but i ended up going for less of a clear story and more of a mood piece. this is the third serious attempt i've made at using this source, so i'm glad i finally got a vid done with it. the credits song is the song i had originally wanted to use years ago hahaha

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