- Member: ArcadiaElle
- Title: Terror in Resonance -The Middle of the Sea - Arcade Fire
- Premiered: 2016-02-07
- Categories:
- Arcade Fire Black Wave/ Bad Vibrations
- Anime:
This Music Video took forever to make, but it's worth it. The Song is Black Wave/ Bad Vibrations by Arcade Fire. The song is perfect, because it completely fits in tone (around a minute 20). I definitely think the second half of this video fits the anime, Terror in Resonance, really well. I was so impressed when I saw this show, I had to make an AMV. Thank you for watching! And I'd love to hear thoughts.
Terror in Resonance, Zankyou no Terror, 2014, Shinchiro Watanabe, Yoko Kanno, Thriller, Nine, Twelve, Lisa Mishima, Kenjiro Shibazaki, Five, FBI, Von, Iceland, Walt, Birden, Arcade Fire, Rock, Black Wave/ Bad Vibrations, music Video, mystery, season 1
Opinions (0)
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
- Direct AVI (.avi) Last Checked: 2016-08-23 22:28:04 200 OK My Youtube Channel is Red Len - the link will take you directly to my Terror in Resonance Video. I also have Madoka Magica AMVS and more on my youtube.