Video Information


  • Member: baggilypantz
  • Title: Morning Has Broken
  • Premiered: 2011-04-25
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Ellen Greene Morning Has Broken
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Yay, it's done!!

    So, Sifra (xsmatthijsse) is hosting a thing called the Springtime Contest, and I wanted to enter.

    I decided to use Final Fantasy, which I rarely use, but I really wanted to, but, after seeing the other entries, I think I couldn't have picked a more ubiquitous choice...:facepalm:

    But, in any case, I like it.

    The editing isn't that awesome, but I wanted to focus more on the lyrics, so I did. =D

    I tried to show, in the beginning with the black and white, the hopelessness and loss of stuff that happens in this series a lot, but, as the color came on, I wanted to show the joy.

    The idea of the contest is the theme of springtime, which is a time of rebirth and hope, which is kind of what I was trying to show, but now I'm not so sure what I think of this...

    Would be nice if I got some lovely comments about what you guys thought, and if I should enter it or not. (hint hint)

    Also, I discovered FFXII right before I started this, and was watching the cutscenes whilst I made this.

    Can I say that Snow/Serah is one of my favorite pairings ever?? Just, just ever?

    Oh, and I chose to use the Ellen Greene version of this song because, well, that's the cover that introduced me to this song, and, well, unpopular opinion time, but I like it more. It just sounds more epic.

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