- Member: JaddziaDax
- Studio: Katie's Web Sight!! Productions
- Title: Lost In Blossoms
- Premiered: 2009-09-20
- Categories:
- Coldplay Life In Technicolor
- Anime:
- Participation:
Eggrolls are hot but yummy with sweet and sour sauce..
Announcement Thread Here
Contest Info:
Won Judge's Pick at Tomodachi Fest
Sony Vegas 8.0
Virtualdub Mod
Zarxgui - (for the mp4)
Getting a new computer has been a total pain... But at least I was able to edit something?
Apparently if you are looking to upgrade your computer/software 64bit vista is not exactly the way to go if you are into video editing... (I've heard that 32 bit Vista works okay)
I am able to edit just fine (with Vegas 8 or higher) however when it comes to compressing (xvid at least) I can't seem to find the right settings to get a good file size/quality ratio using the methods I'm used to. So for compressing this video I've turned back to my old computer, and for the time being I'm going to stick with the older computer for my editing needs (and use the new compy for quality check). I know other people have had better/worse experiences with the Vista OS but I can only go from my own experience.
Oh yea! and about the video... There isn't any real deep meaning to it, I just wanted to make something and then this idea popped into my head, and I already had the footage for it. So, I made this. I've been feeling like I'm in a creative rut lately, but I'm sure once real life issues blow over (and we finally move, change of scenery would be very nice) that I may get back onto the video editing bandwagon again.
I entered it into Masters at AWA, because it was the only unreleased video at the time, and I missed the Pro deadline... but I wasn't expecting or even really hoping to win, I just thought I'd give it a shot for once.
Ps. The amv title comes from one of the chapter titles in the manga. Mushi-shi is a very good series, both anime and manga I highly recommend looking into it.
Anyways if this is your thing enjoy :3
Thanks for watching!
Opinions (5)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 9.67
- 9.33
- 9.33
- 9.33
- 9.33
- 8.33
- 9.00
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
40.9 MiB
Local File JaddziaDax-LostInBlossoms.mp4 Duration 163.91 seconds Video Track 0 kb/s H.264 [avc1] 848 x 480 @ 29.97 fps Audio Track AAC @ 128 kbps 44.1 kHz, stereophonic sound