Video Information


  • Member: PhReAkAzOiD187
  • Studio: Entropy Studios
  • Title: The Devil Within
  • Premiered: 2003-04-30
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • White Zombie Supercharger Heaven
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: This video i don't really know what to say. Basically i had started this video back in december but became lazy and didn't work on it for a really long time, until i realized the deadline for Acen was coming up. so i worked my editing ass off and got it finished just in time. Basically it's just an action video using Soultaker, which i had been wanted to do a video to anyway, and a song which i found while riding in a friend's car. Supercharger Heaven came on and i was like "holy crap this works" of course my friend turned and looked at me like i was an idiot. but all in all i think it turned out exactly how i had envisioned it. this video probably took me a total of...ohhhh, 25-30 hours if i had to guess. i stopped counting so i really couldn't tell ya, except that i worked for like a month and a half non stop to get it finished. But i think what inspired me during this video was actually first seeing Wonka's "Soultaker's Mission." seeing koop's Euphoria get premiered also gave me the push i needed to finish it, because i didn't want him to have something to show at the convention, and not me :). but anyway, i had fun editing it, i hope you enjoy, it's good for when you want something just to get your blood pumping.

    The Codec is XviD so make sure you have that so you can watch it. (sorry, i'll re-encode it with the DivX FourCC later one, but for now this is all i have.)
    BTW, try not to hammer me on the audio too bad, it is 128 but i plan on re-encoding the whole video with a better rip as soon as Justin from Entropy Studios ( sends me a new beginning bumper.

Opinions (8)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 8.83
  • 9.17
  • 9.33
  • 9.17
  • 9.17
  • 8.17
  • 8.83
