- Member: Cenit
- Studio: 360 Degrees Fluorescent
- Title: Rebirth - The Second Chance
- Premiered: 2008-09-13
- Categories:
- Skillet Rebirthing
- Anime:
- Participation:
Fuck yeah it feels good to finally release something by myself after that long time only studying the guides and participating on Streichers Hot Coffee IRON CHEF but i guess, thats, what keept me continuing editing. So here it is - my First personal AMV after 2 years and i can more or less proudly say that it is mine! Its not technically perfect and i agree that the editing sucks but i met people who liked it and i won an award at the connichi AMV Contest so now of course i'am intrested in what the org thinks about it.
Well i guess it started in December 2007, when i was still with the german military forces, as i listened to Skillets Album Comatose, given to me by a friend who said OMG IT'S LIKE THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH !!!1 and i thought - well that song is pretty nice. Just a few Days earlier, FullMetalMartin told me about his Second Raid DVDs and that they where AWSM so i already had ordered them. And yeah - i made this pretty shitty Second raid AMV in 2006 of wich i think it would be best i never made it but ok i saw my duty - start over from that point where everything endet before. So I began planning my second "Second Raid" AMV and this time i choosed the serious way buying DVDs, working with quality and takeing the time, it needed to be done that way it had to. So when "The Someday Raid" took me 8 Days all in all, this time it was more like 8 month. I admit, that i made a few Interruptions like those for MGS4 or GTA4 But I was finally able to finish my work around the 5th of August - Just in time for the Connichi Deadline.
Yeah and thats, where the fun started. I hadn't taken the chance to ask some friends about the vid to beta test it and i really hoped at least to be mentioned in the "Best of the Rest" ranking to see what other people think about it. And for the beginning of the Contest it really looked that way. Best Drama was given to some Utena vid and i though - fuck - thats it. But little did i know that Awsm Celes dude chooses the Award Names COMPLETLY RANDOM so i nearly screamed (it was already my 2nd Beer that day) when he asked in front of the whole connichi audience "Do you like Full Metal Panic?". CELES - THAT WAS AWSM! REALLY! Even thought, nobody really reacted as if they did! And that was it - one of the fckin best moments in my live. Having over 500 people seeing my shitty vid on a fckin HUGE SCREEN!!! Thanks Connichi - you really did it!
- Sony Vegas 7.0b
- DVD-Decrypter
- DGIndex
- VirtualDubMod
- Avisynth
- Zarx264GUI
I lie here paralytic
Inside this soul
Screaming for you till my throat is numb
I wanna break out I need a way out
I don't believe that it's gotta be this way
The worst is the waiting
In this womb I'm suffocating
Feel your presence filling up my lungs with oxygen
I take you in
I've died
Rebirthing now
I wanna live for love wanna live for you and me
Breathe for the first time now
I come alive somehow
Rebirthing now
I Wanna live my life wanna give you everything
Breathe for the first time now
I come alive somehow
I lie here lifeless
In this cocoon
Shedding my skin cause
I'm ready to
I wanna break out
I found a way out
I don't believe that it's gotta be this way
The worst is the waiting
In this womb I'm suffocating
Tell me when I'm gonna live again
Tell me when I'm gonna breathe you in
Tell me when I'm gonna feel inside
Tell me when I'm gonna feel alive
Tell me when I'm gonna live again
Tell me when this fear will end
Tell me when I'm gonna feel inside
Tell me when I'll feel alive
Sorry for my bad English!
Opinions (6)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 8.00
- 9.75
- 10.00
- 9.25
- 9.25
- 8.50
- 9.50
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
51.1 MiB
Local File Cenit_Rebrith_-_The_Second_Chance_h264.mp4 Duration 232.18 seconds Video Track 0 kb/s H.264 [avc1] 848 x 480 @ 23.976 fps Audio Track AAC @ 128 kbps 44.1 kHz, stereophonic sound