Video Information


  • Member: Surfinpika
  • Title: What Have You Done
  • Premiered: 2007-10-27
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Within Temptation What Have You Done (Ft. Keith Caputo)
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Yay! It was about time for another video :D I'd been wanting to do something with the KHII Final Mix+ footage for a while but it took some time to find a song that inspired me. I really like this song by Within Temptation though-- it's like a mix of Evanescence and Linkin Park XD;; haha (OMGSOCLICHÉIKNOWXD) was originally kinda long so I ended up cutting out a couple of verses. I put this video together in about 3 weeks so it was a bit rushed @___@;

    It premiered at Yaoi-con and won Best Action and Best of Show! It also won Best of Show at AnimeUSA :D Hellz yeah~! ^o^

Opinions (2)
