Video Information


  • Member: Tryptic
  • Studio: Euphorik Studios
  • Title: Advent Children Of Fate
  • Premiered: 2007-10-04
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Nobou Uematsu Liberi Fatali
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This video was inspired by Unreal created by Kadaj667.

    I started to see Advent Children in a new way, and I thought I'd see what I could do with my copy. "What," I said to myself, "do I have to say about Advent Children?"
    And what I have to say is... Been here before

    So, once again, I turned to the Final Fantasy 8 soundtrack. But this time, I tried something a little different. I decided I was going to do this video as a trailer for FF7, while paying homage to FF8. And so, I did.

    I also want to say, that I dislike Windows Movie Maker, especially when doing an action video. But I'd lost my copy of Adobe Premiere, so I struggled through.

    *I have since received a copy of Adobe Premiere, so with any luck, I'll be updating this soon.

    Enjoy the video. I'm sure you'll like it without having played FF8, but if you have it will be much better.

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