- Member: Ileia
- Studio: Corndog Vidvids
- Title: Don't Break
- Premiered: 2007-07-19
- Categories:
- Venus Hum Do You Want To Fight Me?
- Anime:
- Participation:
So, the day of the deadline of the AWA XIII Master's Competition, I decide on a whim to make a video. And we're given two days to upload the video, so I use those two days to actually edit my video. I wasn't really expecting much, but lo and behold, I am now the proud owner of a fancy schmancy green Master's jacket that I won!
It took me awhile to get everything all encoded and finished, and I ended up having to format three times post-AWA, and I don't even WANT to go into all of that mess. The xvid doesn't have any advantage over the mp4, I just put it up for those who have trouble with mp4s.
Opinions (17)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 8.85
- 9.85
- 10.00
- 9.69
- 9.31
- 9.23
- 9.00
- 9.46
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
53.4 MiB
Local File [CDVV] Ileia Don't Break.mp4 Duration 204.01 seconds Video Track 0 kb/s H.264 [avc1] 640 x 360 @ 29.96 fps Audio Track AAC @ 128 kbps 48 kHz, stereophonic sound