- Member: ScorpionP
- Studio: Walküre
- Title: Feel the Mambo
- Premiered: 2007-08-01
- Categories:
- Helena Paparizou Mambo
- Anime:
- Participation:
*If you're not really a fan of dance songs or dance videos, then this is probably not a video for you, cuz that's all what it is about.
*Also, if you're looking for a story or some deep meaning here: there is no such thing in this video and again you should probably skip it.
Now that I've driven away half of the people reading this, I guess I should say something about the video itself ;)
This is my 5th completed video and something I've always wanted to make. Yep, a pure dance/fun/upbeat video. Well, not all scenes are dance scenes (I was actually running low on those as I preogressed since I haven't watched many animes that contain them) but I still tried to match the mood and pace of the music. I heard the song when I was in Greece and actually had luck to find it. Idea immediately came to my mind and I thought it would be pretty fun and interesting to match the beats and rhytm of the music. And it definitely was fun to edit this video.
Total time spent was around 50 hours. A lot of it was spent on syncing and lipsyncing (cuz all the characters I was trying to lipsync to were moving). On this project I almost completely managed to save myself from browsing through clips and finding the right ones because I already had 80% of the project planned in my head before starting it. Also, I'd like to say that this is my first project I didn't edit chronologically, from beginning to end.
Special thanks goes to SF_Phoenix for helping out with the vid.
*If you can't play video just download and install VLC Player or CCCP.
Connichi 2007 - Best Upbeat (Expo Contest)
Anime Banzai 2007 - Best of Category X
MikomiCon 2007 - Best Technical, Judge's Favourite, Best Upbeat/Parody, Best of Show
Tandokucon 2007 - Best Upbeat Dance
Wai-Con 2007 - Audience Choice, Best Comedy/Upbeat
VCA 2008 - Best Dance, Best Fun
I think that would be all for now,
Opinions (80)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 9.31
- 9.67
- 9.88
- 9.66
- 9.25
- 9.43
- 9.72
- 9.63
- 9.61
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
34.9 MiB
Local File ScorpionP - Feel the Mambo.mp4 Duration 135.49 seconds Video Track 0 kb/s H.264 [avc1] 640 x 360 @ 25 fps Audio Track AAC @ 128 kbps 48 kHz, stereophonic sound