- Member: VicBond007
- Studio: VicBond007 Productions
- Title: Cowboy Bebop 007
- Premiered: 2003-02-16
- Categories:
- Moby James Bond Remix
- Anime:
- Participation:
Five months. Five LONG MONTHS. What better way to spend the time than to create a video to launch me into 2003 with a bang? This video premiered at Katsucon9 where it took 2nd place from the audience, the Chairman's award, and Best of Show. It also took place in the Mindwarp Fall/Winter online contest and won Best Video. The product of countless hours in After Effects and over 1,000 edits in Premiere. This is the video that you all saw coming, it was just a matter of time, and now that my website is back up, it's available for your downloading pleasure!
Anime Evolution Update
This video took Best Action, beating out my later Die Another Day video!
Opinions (136)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 9.32
- 9.67
- 9.71
- 9.78
- 9.25
- 9.52
- 9.80
- 9.14
- 9.53
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
55.6 MiB
Mpeg 1 System File [Video/Audio]
Muxrate : 2.32 Mbps
Estimated Duration: 03:18.23s
Aspect ratio 1/1 (VGA)
Size [512 x 384] 29.97 fps 104.86 Mbps
Audio : Mpeg 1 layer 2
160 kbps 48000 Hz
Stereo, No emphasis