Video Information


  • Member: Unagi353
  • Title: Finding, The Forgotten
  • Premiered: 2006-10-31
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Arvil Lavigne forgotten
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Well... my first video to be put before the eyes of the masses... be gentle with her.

    In the interest of full disclosure I got the idea for this video after watching Tyler's video Tormented Love. The song made me think "RahXephon" over and over... most likely because I'm a total RahXephon fanboy.

    I made the video originally for my college anime club's Halloween party, but someone from the club insisted that I enter it into Fanime 2007 AMV (aka FMV?) contest. For some insane reason, I put in some more hours of work on it, and entered it, saying "If it makes it to finals I'll upload it on animemusicvideos..." Long story short... I'm keeping up my part of the bargain.

    Anyhow... I used Pinnacle Studio 10 (which I wouldn't recommend, its light on the special effects and I couldn't do everything I wanted to do with this video) and my lovely laptop (which liked crashing during outputs... but what ya gonna do?).

    I probably only put in about 9 hours work on this video... partially because a few times during the process, I came to loath it... granted I started loving it again... then loathing it... and after about a dozen cycles like that... I decided I was finished.

    So... I hope you like it.

Opinions (1)
