Video Information


  • Member: Kitsuner
  • Studio: Corndog Vidvids
  • Title: Brad Sucks
  • Premiered: 2007-01-28
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Brad Sucks Dirtbag
  • Anime:
  • Comments: I have never seen any Generator Gawl. I do not have any clue what it's about. I happened to receive the fourth disc of the series a few months back from a friend who got it from his sister or something. Anyway, fast forward to January '07, talk of a CDVV vs VNS Iron Chef starts floating around, so I figure I may as well toss this into the list. Of course, I was expecting an actiony song, since I had thought I was supposed to fight Nancy, so both my opponent and my audio were a surprise. I'm not complaining, though, because Mamo and I got the best song of the four, if for no other reason than the band's name.

    So as I start editing this thing, I grab a few clips from the beginning of the first episode on the disc, and I end up with this cool sequence of some pink haired girl that's like a robot or something, I guess (ridiculously long intro, amirite?). I decided to run with it and tried to get something going on between her and the guy who's probably the main character, but as I keep editing, I find myself making it kind of a flashbacky yuri-ish video or something. Unfortunately, as is my habit, I bogged myself down editing with that scene for the rest of the video, so I landed a final video with 2 clips being repeated like 5 times each.


    (I lost, making the only video in the contest to not get a single vote ;_;)

Opinions (1)
