- Member: Orwell
- Title: Meate Tea Party - GGG edition
- Premiered: 2006-12-24
- Categories:
- The Kinks Girl you Really Got me Now
- Anime:
This video was never intended to happen. Now look where we are. A second release. The original video was made for a Russian contest, Cold War Con, with the theme of any song before 1992. Originally I had originall planned/still intend to do The letter to Last Exile, however so much time was pissed away that I hadn't even finished wastching Last Exile. I needed to make a video and quick. Well, that never happened either. Having finished Karin, I considered making a conventional romance video, but with so little time, a single episode was needed. I looked through the collection of songs from the well done Battlefield: Vietnam CD, found this and set to work.
The original was uploaded a week past the deadline.
Nothing really to say about the new version, it speaks for itself. My first successful use of AE if anything.
Relevant video stuff:
-The Russian sign says: Center for Child Development, Kinderheim #511. For the accomplishment of physical and psychological development, correction, recovery, and upbringing.
-Cupcake is a response to: O'Reilly logic: If kids of gay parents were equally healthy, why wouldn't eating cupcakes cause pregnancy?
Thanks to Zarxarx for all his help, and Oto for suffering through this affront to decency.
Opinions (1)
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
23.5 MiB
Local File Meate Tea Party GGG Edition.avi Duration 103.71 seconds Video Track 1574.04 kb/s Xvid [DX50] 640 x 360 @ 24 fps Audio Track MP3 @ 320 kbps 48 kHz, stereophonic sound