Video Information


  • Member: SonKitty
  • Studio: Anime Central Network
  • Title: Facing Fate
  • Premiered: 2002-11-20
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Noriyuki Asakura Departure
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Note: The following comments may include spoilers for the X TV series.

    This music video turned out to be quite a challenge, and overall, I'm happy with the result. I had a really hard time on deciding whether or not to include spoilers, but I had put one in before I knew it. Anyway, time to babble 'cause I feel like it. I'm just going to make some notes about a few things within a listed sequence.

    Part I - Introductory Shots

    At one point, there's a simple but poignant drop that turned out really well imo. The Seven Angels are shown in partial/incomplete or effectsish shots, such as showing Beast rather than Satsuki-you can barely tell where Kakyo fits in, but I liked using such a method for this portion of the vid.

    Part II - Two Swords, Two Kamuis

    When I hit this part of the music, I was stumped. What to do? Show the battles? Show the story as quickly as possible? WHAT? I tried numerous methods, tossed my hands in the air, and did the similar part further into the music first because I knew I wanted the two Kamuis there. After much contemplation, I finally shifted two Kamuis to the first part. And I loved it.

    Abrupt Transition

    I cut the music as the song was over five minutes, and this portion, I was simply at a loss for what to do. The cut in the music video is abrupt, but even if I hadn't done so, the original music also has an abrupt transition to...

    Part III - Love

    This part sounded very happy and peaceful to me, so first, I was just going to show characters being happy, smiling, good times, etc. But somehow, it just ended up fitting all too well for me to show romance. Admittedly, this part is slow but..I like it. =) As the last bit of lovey-doveyness, I simply went back to the shot of Kotori being held by Kamui in her dream. Why? Imo, the transition was PERFECT for the next part.

    Part IV - Kotori in Danger

    Part V - Kamui vs. Fuma

    WHAT? I put the final battle here?! Yeah. And a couple of parts are at ludicrous speed at that. And you know what? I happen to like it that way. 'Tis my favorite part of the vid really. ^^;

    Part VI - The Setting: Heaven vs. Earth

    Part VII - Goodbye Kotori

    Part VIII - Battling Death

    Part IX - Kotori AGAIN?

    She's not my fave if you think I'm focusing on her too much. She just fits the music very nicely in many places. And I mainly chose these shots 'cause of the purty firefly-ish lights. Timing this was a pain and uncertain 'til finally I ended up having the second shot overlap with the feather drop.

    Part X - X

    Couldn't help doing that. ^^; Heh heh. Just the title. Felt like an appropriate place for the

    Cool things I learned:

    -How to use cross dissolve transitions
    -How to crop such that subtitles are cut from view.
    -How to fade
    -How to reverse a clip
    -How to change the brightness of a clip

    There may have been others, but they escape me at the moment.

Opinions (3)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 8.67
  • 8.00
  • 8.67
  • 8.33
  • 7.00
  • 8.67
  • 9.00
  • 9.00
