- Member: Aria Mournesong
- Studio: Three-Star Studios
- Title: E-Rotic Ecchi: Forever, Trailer
- Premiered: 2006-06-05
- Categories:
- John Williams Anakin's Betrayal
- Anime:
This is a trailer for the AMV E-rotic Ecchi: Forever. At first this was simply the intro buffer at the beginning of the AMV but I heard feedback that: It was either too long or they didn't get the reference at the beginning of the AMV.
The trailers is basically a parady of the Revenge of the Sith trailers since, like this AMV, that was the last movie of the series. I used "Anakin's Betrayal" as the music since it was used in the teaser trailer that ended with "The Saga is now complete".
As I was keeping this project a secret/surprise it was originally titled "Project Daybreak".
So there you go ^.^, Enjoy!
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- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
4.61 MiB
Local File [Three-Star Studios] E-Rotic Ecchi Forever Trailer.avi Duration 27.4 seconds Video Track 1236.672 kb/s XVID [XVID] 640 x 480 @ 30 fps Audio Track MP3 @ 160 kbps 44.1 kHz, stereophonic sound