Video Information


  • Member: Ed.sama
  • Title: Ed vs Roy-Eternal Enmity
  • Premiered: 2006-05-01
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • El canto del Loco No quiero nada
  • Anime:
  • Comments: YEAH.Here it is my new AMV!!!*sight. At the end...I thought that I NEVER could end it T.T I have a lot of problems with the AMV OF THE HELL!!!!(Looking with suspicion to the amv)Fuck it hfsdofhñ. well,^^Uu I think that this is my best amv!! You have to watch it!!! And don't forget leave the marvellous coment!!(Thanks you xD)And now...I will try to translate the song,I don't promise anything (Because you know.I'm spanish):

    El canto del loco- (The mad's singing)
    No quiero nada- (I want nothing)

    Na, na, na
    Na, na, na

    No te quiero ver más, te he dicho que (I don't wanna see you anymore, I tell you)
    me dejes en paz (leave me in peace)
    que no quedo contigo esta tarde (I don't meet with you this evening)
    que te largues ya,que no quiero más (Get out now,I don't want nothing more)
    que te vayas al cine (Go to the cinema)
    que vuelvas jamás a llamarme (Don't call me again)

    Na, na, na

    Si me doy la vuelta, si me voy pa´tras, (If I turn back,If I go back)
    si te digo esto,te parece mal, (If i tell you that, you don't like it)
    si me voy, me piro, no te quiero ver más. (If I go away, I beat it, I don't wanna see you more)
    me voy corriendo y miro para atrás, me sigues de cerca, (I run along and look back, you follow me up)
    quieres espiar. Todo lo que hago a ti te sienta mal (and want to spy. You feel bad because all I do)
    eres la persona que no quiero ya, eres esa historia (You're who I don't love now, you're that story)
    que quiero olvidar, eres un estorbo, entérate ya. (I want forget, you are a nuisance, understand it!!)

    Na, na, na
    Na, na, na

    Creo que es normal lo que te he dicho ya, (I think it's normal what I've already said you)
    que tu cara espanta, (your face is scaring)
    que te compres un mono y le cantes (buy a monkey and sing to it)
    no me mires mal que me das igual (don't look at me with suspicion because I don't care)
    intenta pillar lo que dicen hoy estas frases (try to catch what this sentences say to you today)

    Na, na, na
    Na, na, na

    Eres lo peor que me pudo pasar, (You are the worst I could afford)
    eres esa piedra para tropezar (You are that stone to stumble)
    eres un examen de retrasado mental (You are an exame for a mind deficient)
    treinta mil colonias te podrás echar (You could put in you thirty thousand perfumes)
    pero para mi olerás fatal, (but you will have a bad smell for me)
    ni 3000 vestidos te podrán tapar. (3000 dresses won't can wrap you up neither)

Opinions (1)
