- Member: Fluxmeister
- Title: Endure
- Premiered: 2002-09-28
- Category:
- Apocalyptica Hope
- Anime:
- Participation:
Composition: Video Clips and Music
Quick Description: Orchestra+emotional+guitars video. :)
Spoilers: I do not believe there are any spoilers within the video...
although you may say "ahhhhh" when you see some of the scenes
when/if you see the show.
Video content notes:
1 - I planned to make this for the AWA8 Masters competition.
2 - The clip idea of scenes sharing the screen just happened to come
about when I first started (I wanted the two characters to share the
screen, as to share emotions). From there it seemed like the
appropriate direction for the video... note that my planning phase
is well... part of the editing phase so ideas change all the time.
3 - The only odd clip sequence is that of the main character near the
end when half of his head fades in from blackness... at the time of
editing I decided that this would be better than cramming too many
changes into the sequence.
4 - The pace of the video basically follows that of the song, sometimes
speeding up when appropriate.
5 - The intro uses a little piece of another great Apocalyptica song
called Romance.
6 - My goal with this video was to show the great suffering that the
characters endure... but that living on regardless shows great strength.
Technical notes:
1 - I enjoyed using 5-6 video tracks at one time... it was ... FUN. :)
2 - The intro was made about 5 weeks after the video when I realized I
didn't want another untitled video floating around (see Kite video)
3 - Premiere 4.2 still rules.
... if I think of anything else I will add it ...
Enjoy the Video! :)
Opinions (55)
- Orig
- Visual
- Sound
- Synch
- Lip
- Effects
- Effort
- Re-View
- Overall
- 8.79
- 9.40
- 9.60
- 9.35
- 9.37
- 8.65
- 9.14
- Link Format Bitrate Codec Duration Filesize Link Check Information Comments
45.3 MiB
Mpeg 1 System File [Video/Audio]
Muxrate : 1.67 Mbps
Estimated Duration: 03:44.65s
Size [352 x 240] 29.97 fps 104.86 Mbps
Audio : Mpeg 1 layer 2
192 kbps 44100 Hz
Stereo, No emphasis