Video Information


  • Member: moonstar82
  • Studio: Baka Rangers Productions
  • Title: Tiny toony anime
  • Premiered: 2006-03-27
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Charles Adler and Tress MacNeille etc. Tiny Toon Theme(TV)
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Do you remember this show? it was the Pimp-shiat! *ahh so long ago >Travels down memory lane< * It was a little challenging and i feel like me and my partner have reused some scenes and are over using the same animes. . . Its starting to bug me! *sigh* We need to expand our resources and try not to limit ourselves. . . but I'm getting off topic. About the AMV, It was a total blast making it and an Idea out of the blue... just like one day I thought "TV Themes" and I started downloading all these songs... from Fresh Prince of Bell Air to Popeye and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of these songs!! I hope you enjoy this one and I know I'm Pleased with it. I will warn you: It's Hard not to laugh when you see this! I'm sooooooooo proud! I can make an Awesome AMV but I can't Pass Geometry! whats wrong with me? GRRRRR! I'm going off topic again. . . Anyways ENJOY!

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