- User Name: Cresentpheonix
- Member Since: Saturday, December 22, 2012, 2:58 AM
- Name: Lazaro Diaz
- Studio: Medina/Diaz. Corproation
- Location: Somerset New Jersey, usa
- Last Login: 2023-06-23 16:22:33
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (8)
- Usefulness: 90.2 with
18 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Just so everyone knows. I messed up my username... It's Crescentpheonix. T_T Though its cool. I just a 24 year old Anime freak (male) that loves making AMV. I've been making then since think around 2004 I think. Got my family into it and we got around or more then 100 videos. Hopefully I can get most of them uploaded here. At least the good ones. Hey we were so poor a lot of AMVs in the beginning were what ever ep. We could get from our cousins house that month and that's it. So many AMVs were not so great lol. Though we loved making them and had so much fun doing it.
I actually have not been making AMVs for a few year like around 2009 but the two videos here are a few of the most resent videos I've done. Madoka Magica being not even a month old. I'm Getting myself back into it. I realized how must of a passion this was for me. I knew there was something missing in my life that was making me depressed and Making The Makdoka Magica video filled that missing part so I'm going to go on making tons more videos. I hope you all can enjoy them all!!^^