• Finally Remastered! 2003-12-10 17:04:02 The Nights Will See Them Through has now been remastered and is available for download. I desperately need opinions on this video, so please, leave something if you can. 
  • New Video!! 2003-11-17 22:14:45 Well, I know I didn't post anything when I uploaded How Not To Be Seen, which by the way is my most popular video so far, so I'm going to make up for it two ways right now.

    First, I have a new video up for download here on the org. It's a commercial that the Anime Club at my high school (St. Pete High) asked me to do for them so they could air it on the morning announcements. It's still in the comedy vain, but I tried to make it as much like a trailer as I could. It does have action, and a lot of lip-synching, but for the first minute and a half, its pretty much comedy.

    Second, I'm about to start re-mastering The Nights Will See Them Through pretty soon. I'm not sure when exactly, but I will post again when I get it uploaded. 
  • Well, things are moving faster... 2003-08-19 13:40:17 I had mentioned in my last entry that Spiel Gundam would be remastered, and it will be. I wasn't able to really use the DVD ripper on the main computer in my house for a couple months, and to do something on the scale of Spiel Gundam would take forever. So instead I took the DVD-ROM drive out of a computer we don't use anymore and stuck it in the one I have in my room (which, although being less powerful than the main computer, still is new enough to do excellent editing on). Because using VirtualDubMod to open vob files after I rip the decryption out with SmartRipper is so fast and easy, the editing time for remastering this video won't be very long, and they won't have the minute MPEG-4 artifacts like the rest of my videos (I had to rip the entire episodes to the hard drive before, and the easiest way to do that was by encoding them as full-bitrate DivX).

    This may also be of interest: even though The Dreamscape is currently under planning(with one completed preview video), I've actually come up with a premise for another series of videos, this time of pure action. Of course, there is always a spin I have to put on them for artistic purposes, and I think that it'll be that I'll try out a Gothic atmosphere with this (this has been done with anime = X is a perfect example of Gothic influence in anime, so needless to say, these videos will most definitely have X footage in them). 
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