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Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 5:55 am
by Jnzk
RPBP: The Assumption of Innocence

That's what I'd call art. 8-)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:00 am
by pen-pen2002
I disagree about the appropriatness of "Image" for this category. (Not disparaging the video, just talking categories here. :wink:)

It certainly has a large artistic element in the design of the effects, especcially early in the video when it is mostly freeform. However, I think it would be a crying shame if best effects and most artistic became synonomous in the coming years.

When I think artistic I think form and function, beauty and meaning. Corrans definition is definatly part of it as an action video has a hard time with this (though not impossible, "Whisper of the Beast" stuck me as suprisingly artistic when you really pay attention.)

In some sense though, artistic will always be something of a gut reaction for me. I look at it and I say to myself, "this is art." Or not to myself, an artistic video is the best face of AMV's. I can show "Playground Love" to someone and say: look, AMV's are (or have the potential to be) ART.

In my mind a truly artistic video fits into this category above all others. Including effects.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:35 pm
by silmeluin
"Joy of Rebirth" certainly deserves a nomination is this category ... hp?v=52558

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:01 pm
by EternalGraceNote2005 ... hp?v=58009

Final Fantasy VIII - Muse - Stockholm Syndrome

I'd like to try and nominate my own video. If you like it at all, I ask you to nominate it too.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:54 am
by FoxJones
Otohiko wrote: At least Kai Stromler is still there, to my consolation.
Thank you for the ad ^_^ Found nice AMVs there.
And I can recommend -- (rubicons) for at least a view..

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:16 am
by Warheart
FoxJones wrote:
Otohiko wrote: At least Kai Stromler is still there, to my consolation.
Thank you for the ad ^_^ Found nice AMVs there.
And I can recommend -- (rubicons) for at least a view..

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:05 pm
by JCD
It's maybe not as artistic as most videos here but it's worth a pimp:

Shamanic Symphony by xRinoa
Esp. since it's kinda overshadowed by her Oh! My Destiny video ;)

Other than that I agree with most of the stuff mentioned before :)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:40 pm
by Otohiko
What a shame, this category's at the very bottom of the stickies!

And I've actually come close to making up my mind here...

As always, I'm somewhat unhappy as far as the interpretation of artistic, but eh... I always see art as something of a balancing act between symbolism and aesthetics. As always, this year the stick weighs more heavily on the aesthetics end. Eye-candy is out and stealing attention.

But for all I care, there's at still some very effective videos to show for the category.

My top picks came out a bit lopsided:

1) Tyler_yj - Beautiful Lie
If there's one vid that strikes the balance I mentioned, bingo - here. Grotesque, offbeat, chaotic and hits your mind like a pile of bricks. A feast.

2) Fluxmeister - Beautiful Earth
Tasteful, expansive, somewhat political and very immideate. Edited very simply, but it's all done as convincing as it should be.

3) Fluxmeister - Images
Solid on the conceptual/symbolic side, but for most of the early part I wasn't quite pleased with the presentation. In the end, however, it did work in all its' subtlety.

4) Tyler_yj - Tsumibito no Kashou
Lord, forgive me for I have sinned! I'm voting on a vid based almost solely on its' aesthetic merits! But damn, this one just... really deserves it. It's an exceptional video with an exceptional feel. I've never seen the series, but it hit convincingly hard. My reaction to it was markedly different from just 'great visuals I wonder how he did that', even if the force was predominantly visual. So, a vote it is.



There's a five...

This one gets tricky. There's a few other very deserving videos here, though again, mostly on the aesthetic side. Insomnia and Olin I always admired, and Last Transmission has something interesting going on, but I can't put my finger on whether or not it might just be visual appeal.

That one I'll think about, and if I get desperate, just put in a check for myself.

What, I can't appreciate my own work from an artistic point?
Eh... :roll:

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:00 pm
by DrngdKreationz
No, All AMV creators must think their own work is shit unless they want to be labeled as elitists :P


Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:53 pm
by Otohiko
Oh yeah, and if anyone feels I missed out on the two potential heavyweights in this category, don't worry - I did watch them thoroughly.

In certain aspects, artistic and otherwise, Extraordinary World and Silence are damn well-done. But in all the innovation, I didn't find the connections I was hoping. That's not to say I'm doubting how genuine the intentions of the creators were.

Both those videos used some very unusual creative solutions which didn't sit too well with me because I felt they were too disjoint. So both videos sort of fell apart in front of me in terms of flow. And thus, neither took me places that my best picks for 'art' usually do.

So, I guess not in this category.

ErMaC's grand exit, for me, sits better in Visual Effects; and Aluminum's revival effort seriously has points in Most Original.