Your target audience

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Nya-chan Production
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Re: Your target audience

Post by Nya-chan Production » Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:40 pm

For myself.

And other Shinkaifags.

And ppl who like romance and experimental |:>

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Re: Your target audience

Post by gotegenks » Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:41 pm

x_rex30 wrote:Very random topic derailing post there gotegenks
oh right... *ahem*

having a target audience would ruin the fun and turn it into more work.
i edit how i want to for that month, but that changes with the people i interact with and the videos i watch, so in a sense my target audience is the online circle i respect the most, but i don't consciously try to please them it's just something that happens, especially when you have them beta test and whatnot.

But even so on the surface i edit for me, but who knows what kind of psychological shit happens when i drag a clip or shwakk my dick. :D

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Re: Your target audience

Post by macchinainterna » Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:09 pm

I make videos that I want to see done. Whether it's for my appreciation of the source or the music, I do it for myself.

Honestly, who the hell else would waste three months of their time on a music video featuring the live action Speed Racer? :P

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Re: Your target audience

Post by Megamom » Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:30 am

Hobbits O:

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Re: Your target audience

Post by Kitsuner » Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:54 am

I edit for people who like what I like.

I happen to like what I like, so I get to be part of my audience.
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
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Re: Your target audience

Post by Kaream » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:17 am

My Friends.

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Re: Your target audience

Post by downwithpants » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:43 am

at first, i wanted to see what i could do, so i edited for myself and whoever would volunteer advice.

more recently, i'll target org users (12-late 20s anime fans with experience with amvs), convention goers (anime fans perhaps with less amv experience), or sometimes specific editors. i don't really target non-anime fans with amvs... i tend to feel that my amvs wouldn't be as good of a way for them to get into anime as the original anime works are, based on my (lack of) talent.

if i want to target a general audience i'd probably use more recognizable source.

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Re: Your target audience

Post by EvaFan » Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:11 am

Don't really see the point of targeting a specific audience. Could maybe see it for like a birthday amv or special occasion amv or something but really...

I would think anyone who comes along and downloads your vid/previews it has become your "target" audience if you want to even call them targets. There's no reason to make an action amv targeting action amv fans when a drama amv fan could come along and really get into it for all you know. Hell even people who've never seen an amv before could be your "target" audience cause it might interest them or become something they could really get into.

As for myself, don't really have target audiences or really an audience in mind at all when creating amvs. Think that would feel like I'm limiting myself to what they like. If there was a target audience or something like that, it would have to be myself since my interests are really the only reason the amv is being created.
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Re: Your target audience

Post by Beowulf » Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:48 pm

I never plan the marketing for my videos. Its always been "this idea is great -> must do it -> If I love it, then other people will too"

Over time though, I've come to see most of the people who like my videos aren't generally "anime people". I use more of the dark anime, the serious anime, stuff like Akira, Lain, Samurai X, NTHT, FotNS, Berserk, Eva, all that really dark apocalyptic serious stuff.

It was really a shock and disappointment to me when I went to my first anime convention and realized the majority of people who watch anime are the kind of people who watch Love Hina. There is a gigantic AMV watching population, who's whole attraction to anime is based on watching the scrawny, bumbling nerd, get the girl with huge tits. This kind of stuff never appealed to me.

I might be protesting too much, but I've always modeled my AMV "career" after David Bowie, one of my artistic idols. David Bowie was famous for never repeating himself. Always trying new things. Every album (almost) would be a radical departure from his last. He had a couple small commercial hits in the mainstream, but mainly was successful due to the power and brilliance of his songwriting, not his hooks. A Bowie album never really jumped out at you on first listen. You always had to live with it for a while before it revealed itself to you. (Diamond Dogs, Low, Heroes, Scary Monsters). Most of his stuff was an acquired taste.

He didn't sell millions of records, but musicians knew he was the real deal, and tons of people loved him. Just about every musician that was alive during the 70s was influenced by Bowie. He was ahead of his time and continues to enjoy legendary status. This is why its cool to like Bowie. Every college kid has a bowie poster or bumper sticker, and everyone knows Ziggy. He never sold out, he never did anything other than what he wanted to do.

I always wanted to be like that. :up:

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Re: Your target audience

Post by JudgeHolden » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:22 pm

Well, I'm an Otaku and proud of it! (probably because I didn't have much of a childhood so I may be living it now? :P ) So, I edit for anime fans like myself. However, the fan-base of anime fans changes from video to video; for instance "Sugar, Spice, and Ahh!" (I'm using bewbtube's insight stats here) has a base of mainly girls, while "Panty Raid 2: Fightn' Dirty" is mainly guys. Of course there is "Lost in an Anime Dream" who's fan-base is mainly non-anime watchers (It gets played at more non-anime cons), but that is not what I intended. AMV editors are always a secondary concern, though they push me to make sure the "tech aspects" are per .org standards, but my sync / editing style will probably never appeal to many editors.

So in the end, if you like what I like, you are my "Target". :twisted:


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