The Legend of Korra (anime?)

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The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by Rider4Z » Mon May 07, 2012 1:21 am

Hey guys, i googled The Legend of Korra and noticed the term "anime" a LOT. What's your opinion about this? keep in mind that the show is american produced but animated in South Korea (along with several Japanese produced series).

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Re: The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by mirkosp » Mon May 07, 2012 1:37 am

Same deal as with Avatar. Not anime. Which doesn't say anything about how good or bad a show is supposed to be, really, but it just doesn't mean the show should be forced in a definition it's not part of.
I (and actually, by org definition as well) don't really consider outsourcing of just part of the animation enough. Had it had direction/chades/something more prominent in collab with Japan, I'd totally be fine with it (as I do consider animatrix and batman gotham knight anime, just to name a couple).

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Re: The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by Rider4Z » Mon May 07, 2012 2:06 pm

does it make any difference that the creators of Avatar and The Legend of Korra originally wanted it animated in japan but never heard back so they went to south korea instead?

What would be your thoughts on the new Thundercats series, being that it was produced in america for an american audience but animated in japan?

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Re: The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by Rider4Z » Mon May 07, 2012 2:10 pm

also keep in mind that just because "the org" defines it as such doesn't necessarily make it true or absolute.

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Re: The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by Jasta85 » Mon May 07, 2012 3:17 pm

Avatar isn't considered Anime in most circles, I guess it falls under this category:

I know a friend who made an AMV using Avatar wasn't allowed to enter it into a few anime convention contests because it wasn't considered anime (although some others did allow it). The thing is that Anime isn't an actual dictionary term, it's a term that arose over time and become common use, so different people can believe it to refer to different things.

In general it refers to products made in Japan, for those coming from South Korea, thailand etc they probably still call them anime simply because there is no other term that describes them better, note that comics that come from south Korea are called Manhwa rather than Manga, so different terms for different counties do exist in some cases.

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The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by TEKnician » Mon May 07, 2012 10:12 pm

I'd like to say that YES it's anime if it were a collab with a Japanese production studio.

Even if they had Japanese staff, I'd only consider it truly japanime if the writer, director, or production manager were at least 51% Japanese ancestry and worked in other anime titles.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by JGMurakami » Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:28 am

It's anime just as much as AMVs are called AMVs.
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Re: The Legend of Korra (anime?)

Post by SilverFreedoms » Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:47 pm

The only real problem is that the current establishment of . It does not fit with the definition they have set forth

Personally I consider anime more of an art style than a product of a particular nation
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