[FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

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[FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by MagicDarkLight » Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:47 pm

Japan expo 2018

French and spanish version below

We teased you, you dreamed of it, we worked on it, you asked for it and here it is : Japan Expo AMV contest 2018 coordinated by AMV-France. Present in the convention each year, the association aims for its contest to be THE most memorable event of the year. To achieve it, we expect for a ton of videos thanks to experienced editors and ambitious outsiders entering in the contest !

◄ Regulation in brief :
- Your AMV must be sent before June 17rd, 2018, 11.59pm (GMT +2 Paris).
- The contest is based on exclusivity: your AMV shouldn’t be found online before the convention screening (on July 8th, 2018). Be it through streaming or download.
- Winner will receive an UNIQUE trophy from AMV France. Top 3 and Viewers’ Choice will each get figures as a prize. (Prizes can be cumulative).
- Considering the broadcasting takes place in convention, the use of pornographic or extreme violence clips can lead to an immediate disqualification of the AMV, the decision will be left to the jury's appreciation. Plagiarism of other AMVs is also a motive for disqualification.
- Video sources must be extracted from Japanese animation or at least be related to Japan. Video sources from video games and MADs will equally be accepted.

◄ Registration :
Registrations can only be made through this formular, until June 17rd, 2018.

◄ Technical requirements :
- This year, you must show clearly the title of the contest: Japan Expo 2018. For this purpose, we provide a logo, and it is MANDATORY to use it.
Logo black background
Logo white background

You have the right to modify it the way you want (colors, 3D effect, pattern overlay...) in order to implement it to your AMV. However, it must remain legible during 3s.

- Video’s duration cannot be less than 1min30.
- MEPs are allowed.
- Video cannot contain subtitles, watermarks or logos which have no conceptual justification.
- It cannot contain broken aspect ratio, interlace or visible black bars during the whole video.
- Allowed containers are: MP4, MKV, AVI.

◄ Prizes :
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of AMV France, the winner will receive an UNIQUE trophy from AMV France. Second and third will receive awesome figures, chosen for their quality but also, as much as possible, adapted to each winner! If you cumulate a top 3 and the Viewers’ Choice, you will win two figures!
If the receiver is not present the day of the convention, prizes will be mailed through the post.

◄ How to send your AMV :
The upload of AMVs will be carried through FTP. The host, ID and password will be sent by mail to the address given for the registration.
A tutorial is available by clicking here.
If you encounter any problem during the upload of your AMV, contact us with this address: concours@amv-france.com

◄ Organization of the contest :
- The contest is hosted by the association AMV France.
- The judgment of AMVs is carried out in two phases:
The preselections, which determine three categories: not-retained, “coups de cœur” (= favorites) and finalists.
The ranking of finalists by a jury composed of three renowned editors, among whom two French speakers and one non French-speaking.
- Both finalists and “coups de cœur” will be revealed by pack, without distinction, a dozen of days before the start of the convention (5th July 88).
- Not retained AMVs will neither be ranked, nor screened during the convention. The “coups de cœurs” will take part in a live tournament at the booth in convention. Spectators will vote with their voice and applauds and will thus make their favourite “coup de cœur” progress towards victory.
- Finalists will be screened on giant screen on Saturday (not ranked) and on Sunday 8th July 88 (ranked).
- A Viewers’ Choice will also be selected among the finalists. Votes will be collected on Saturday.
- Complete results will be available on the AMV France website, soon after the convention (9th July 88).

◄ Contact :
For any other question or issue, please, contact us: concours@amv-france.com or post on this thread.
◄ French and Spanish Versions:
Spoiler :
"Version française"]
On l'a teasé, vous en avez rêvé, on l'a préparé, vous l'avez réclamé et le voici : le concours d'AMV Japan Expo 2018. Forte de sa présence tous les ans à la convention, l'association AMV-France compte bien faire de cet événement LE moment mémorable de l'année 2018. Pour ça, on attend toujours plus de clips, de grands noms de la scène et d'outsiders toujours plus motivés !

◄ Règlement abrégé :
- Votre amv devra être envoyé avant le 17 juin 2018, 23h59 (GMT +2 Paris).
- Le concours est basé sur l’exclusivité : votre AMV ne peut être diffusé sur internet, que ce soit en streaming ou en téléchargement avant sa diffusion en convention (8 juillet 2018).
- Le vainqueur recevra un trophée UNIQUE. Le deuxième et le troisième, ainsi que le choix du public, recevront en lot une figurine chacun. (Lots cumulables).
- Vu la diffusion en convention, l’utilisation de scènes à caractère pornographique ou d’extrême violence pourront donner lieu à une disqualification immédiate de l'AMV, ceci à l'appréciation du jury. Le plagiat d’autres AMVs est également motif de disqualification.
- Les vidéos utilisées devront avoir un rapport direct et évident avec l’animation japonaise ou le japon. Les vidéos tirées de jeux vidéo et les MADs seront également acceptées.

◄ Inscription :
Les inscriptions se font uniquement via ce formulaire, jusqu’au 17 juin 2018.

◄ Règlement technique :
- Cette année, comme la précédente, il vous est imposé d’utiliser le logo Japan Expo 2018 que nous vous fournissons.
Logo fond noir
Logo fond blanc

Vous avez le droit de le modifier de la façon dont vous le souhaitez (couleur, relief 3D, incrustation de motifs...) afin qu'il s'implémente au mieux à votre AMV. Il doit néanmoins rester lisible pendant environ 3s.

- La durée de la vidéo ne peut être inférieure à 1min30.
- Les MEPs sont autorisés.
- La vidéo ne doit pas comporter de sous-titres, de logos n’ayant aucune justification vis-à-vis du concept.
- Elle ne doit pas comporter de ratios déformés, d’entrelacement ou de bandes noires visibles sur la totalité de la vidéo.
- Les conteneurs autorisés sont : MP4, MKV, AVI.

◄ Lots :
Cette année on met les petits plats dans les grands, le vainqueur recevra en exclusivité un trophée Japan Expo/AMV France pour marquer les 10 ans de l’association ! Le deuxième et troisième places recevront de superbes figurines choisies pour leur qualité et, dans la mesure du possible, adaptées à chaque gagnant ! Si vous cumulez une place du top 3 et le prix du public, vous gagnerez deux figurines !
Si le receveur n’est pas présent le jour de la convention, les lots seront envoyés par la poste.

◄ Envoi de votre AMV :
L’envoi des clips se fera via FTP. L’hôte, l’identifiant et le mot de passe vous seront envoyés à l’adresse mail fournie lors de l’inscription.
Un tutoriel pour l'utiliser est mis à disposition en cliquant ici.
Si vous rencontrez un problème durant l’envoi de votre AMV, contactez-nous à cette adresse : concours@amv-france.com

◄ Organisation du concours :
- Le concours est organisé par l’association AMV France.

- Le jugement des AMVs se fait en deux phases :
1) Les présélections détermineront trois catégories : non-retenus, « coups de cœur » et finalistes.
2) Le classement des finalistes par un jury constitué de trois AMV makers reconnus dont deux francophones et un non francophone.

- Les finalistes et « coups de cœur » seront annoncés par paquet, sans distinction une dizaine de jours avant le début de la convention (8 juillet 2018).

- Les AMVs non retenus ne seront ni classés, ni diffusés. Les « coups de cœurs » feront partie d’un tournoi en direct sur le stand lors de la convention. Le public présent votera à la force de sa voix et de ses applaudissements et fera ainsi avancer son « coup de cœur » favori vers la victoire.

- Les finalistes seront diffusés en grand écran le samedi (non classés) et le dimanche 8 juillet 2018 (classés).

- Un prix du public sera également organisé en convention pour les finalistes. Les votes seront recueillis le samedi.

- Les résultats complets seront disponibles sur le site d’AMV France peu après la convention (8 juillet 2018).

◄ Contact:
Pour toute autre question, contactez-nous à cette adresse : concours@amv-france.com ou postez sur ce topic.
Spoiler :
"Version española"]◄ Reglas
- Tu AMV tiene que ser enviado antes del 17 de Junio 2018, 11.59pm (GMT +2 Paris)
- El contest es exclusivo, esto significa que tu AMV no puede ser publicado en ningun lugar antes de la convencion (8 de Julio).
- El ganador recibirá un trofeo único de parte de AMV France. El top 3 y el elegido por el público recibiran una figura (anime) como premio. (pueden ser acumulativos)
- Considerando que la exhibicion se lleva acabo en una convencion, el uso de pornografia o extrema violencia puede llevar a una inmediata descalificación del AMV, esto será decidido por el jurado. El plagiode otros AMVs es también motivo de descalificación.
- El material usado debera tener directa y obvia animación con la animación japonesa. Material sacado de video juegos y MADs serán igualmente aceptados.

◄ Registro
El registro puede ser llevarse acabo llenando ESTA forula, hasta el 17 de Junio.

◄ Requerimientos tecnicos
-Este año deberas mostrar con claridad el titulo del contest: Japan expo 2018. Con este proposito, te damos el logo aunque no es estricto usarlo.
Logo black background
Logo white background

- La duración del video no puede ser menor que 1min30.
- MEPs estan permitidos.
- El video no puede contener subtitulos, marcas de agua, o logos sin justificación conceptual.
- No puede tener un aspect ratio fallido, o barras negras durante todo el video.
- Contenedores permitidos: MP4, MKV, AVI.

◄ Premios
Para celebrar el 10º aniversario de AMV France, el ganador recibirá un trofeo único por parte de AMV France. El segundo y el tercer puesto recibirá unas figuras increíbles, elegidas por su calidad, que serán también lo más adaptado posible a cada uno de los ganadores! Si consigues obtener un puesto en el top 3 y ganar el "Viewer´s Choice", recibirás dos figuras!
Si la persona que va a recibir el premio no está presente el día de la convención, estos serán enviados por correo.
◄ Como enviar el video
La subida de los AMVs sera mediante un servidor FTP. El host, ID, y contraseña le seran enviados al e-mail que puso en el registro.
Tutorial Ftp.
Si usted tiene algun problema con respecto a la subida de su AMV, contáctenos en este e-mail: concours@amv-france.com

◄ Organización del Contest
- El contest es organizado por la asosiacion AMV France.
- EL juzgado de AMVs de llevado a cabo en 2 fases:
1) La pre-seleccion: que define 3 categorias: no finalistas, coup de coeur, y finalistas.
;2) El ranking de los finalistas, decido por nuestros 3 jurados de renombre, compuesto por 2 personas de habla francesa y una neutral.
- Los finalistas y coups de coeur serán revelados en packs, sin tener distinción entre ellos, una docena de dias antes de que la convención empieze (8 de Julio 2018)
- Los no finalistas no serán rankeados ni exhibidos. Los coups de coeurs tomarán parte de un torneo en vivo en la convención. Los espectadores votarán con su voz y aplausos y decidiran su favorito.
- Los finalistas serán exhibidos en una pantalla gigante, el sabado (sin ranking) y el domingo 8 de Julio 2018 (con ranking final)
- Una elección del público tendrá lugar también para los finalistas. Los votos seran recolectados el sabado.
- Los resultados finales estarán disponibles en el sitio de AMV France, pronto después de la conveción.

◄ Contacto
Para alguna otra pregunta, contáctenos : concours@amv-france.com

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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by MagicDarkLight » Fri May 18, 2018 5:06 pm

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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by Scintilla » Fri May 18, 2018 8:35 pm

MagicDarkLight wrote:- The contest is based on exclusivity: your AMV shouldn’t be found online before the convention screening (on July 8th, 2018). Be it through streaming or download.
The Rules wrote:4.2 The videos must be exclusive to the contest and musn't be shown on the Internet before AMV France association gives the contest results.
I was really hoping this would be clarified this year. What is the policy on videos that have been shown at conventions prior to Japan Expo but not released online?
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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by MaboroshiStudio » Tue May 22, 2018 9:59 am

Scintilla wrote:
MagicDarkLight wrote:- The contest is based on exclusivity: your AMV shouldn’t be found online before the convention screening (on July 8th, 2018). Be it through streaming or download.
The Rules wrote:4.2 The videos must be exclusive to the contest and musn't be shown on the Internet before AMV France association gives the contest results.
I was really hoping this would be clarified this year. What is the policy on videos that have been shown at conventions prior to Japan Expo but not released online?
Based upon the rules I would say as long as it isn't streaming or available for download it is kosher...
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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by shorisquared » Tue May 22, 2018 11:44 am

Scintilla wrote:
MagicDarkLight wrote:- The contest is based on exclusivity: your AMV shouldn’t be found online before the convention screening (on July 8th, 2018). Be it through streaming or download.
The Rules wrote:4.2 The videos must be exclusive to the contest and musn't be shown on the Internet before AMV France association gives the contest results.
I was really hoping this would be clarified this year. What is the policy on videos that have been shown at conventions prior to Japan Expo but not released online?
As long as you don't have any trace of it online (like say an org entry or something), I think you should be good.

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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by Cyanna » Tue May 22, 2018 11:50 am

MaboroshiStudio wrote:
Scintilla wrote:
MagicDarkLight wrote:- The contest is based on exclusivity: your AMV shouldn’t be found online before the convention screening (on July 8th, 2018). Be it through streaming or download.
The Rules wrote:4.2 The videos must be exclusive to the contest and musn't be shown on the Internet before AMV France association gives the contest results.
I was really hoping this would be clarified this year. What is the policy on videos that have been shown at conventions prior to Japan Expo but not released online?
Based upon the rules I would say as long as it isn't streaming or available for download it is kosher...
He's asking for clarification because last year his entry was disqualified (after being listed as a finalist) when it was discovered it won an award at AWA Expo in spite of it never being posted online.

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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by MaboroshiStudio » Tue May 22, 2018 12:29 pm

Cyanna wrote:
MaboroshiStudio wrote:
Scintilla wrote:
MagicDarkLight wrote:- The contest is based on exclusivity: your AMV shouldn’t be found online before the convention screening (on July 8th, 2018). Be it through streaming or download.
The Rules wrote:4.2 The videos must be exclusive to the contest and musn't be shown on the Internet before AMV France association gives the contest results.
I was really hoping this would be clarified this year. What is the policy on videos that have been shown at conventions prior to Japan Expo but not released online?
Based upon the rules I would say as long as it isn't streaming or available for download it is kosher...
He's asking for clarification because last year his entry was disqualified (after being listed as a finalist) when it was discovered it won an award at AWA Expo in spite of it never being posted online.
AHHH well that makes more sense... and I would still argue the rules say nothing about that. The fact is they DQd a video for something that was technically not in the rules. What makes matters worse is that the rules haven't been updated after what happened last year.

Why are they saying "your AMV shouldn’t be found online before the convention screening" at all... if the video needs to be a Exclusive Premiere it should say that, but it doesn't.
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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by MaboroshiStudio » Mon May 28, 2018 1:05 pm

Ok confirmed must premiere at Japan Expo
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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by MagicDarkLight » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:56 pm

4.2 The videos must be exclusive to the contest (it cannot be entered in any contest before Japan Expo) and cannot be shown in another convention or on the Internet before AMV France association gives the contest results.

It was changed thanks to Maboroshi. What's the difference between premiere exclusive and exclusive is still beyond me but good luck to anyone entering with a video made for Japan Expo.
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Re: [FR][EN][ES] Japan Expo 2018

Post by Scintilla » Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:13 am

Thank you, that is exactly the clarity I was hoping for.
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