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Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:01 am
by JazzyDJ
JadziaDax, godix, and Zarxrax all deserve a piece of this award. On that note so does BasharOfTheAges, Funky-Kun, Eclipse, and ThunderCatLord so I want to mention them for their efforts as well. Being somewhat of a 'wet behind the ears' rookie with this stuff, they have all helped me on the forums on more than one occation and I am especially appreciative of them for their assistance. I feel they all should be mentioned.

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:54 am
by JaddziaDax
i predict that Zarx or Doki will get it this year O:

with a slim chance of godix >.>

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:15 am
by mirkosp
JazzyDJ wrote:godix
Does not compute. :nose:

But godix for Most Helpful anyway. |:>

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:04 pm
by JazzyDJ
JaddziaDax wrote:i predict that Zarx or Doki will get it this year O:

with a slim chance of godix >.>
Would you like me to have people look into my eyes and command them to vote for you? :D

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:31 am
by Kosmit
mirkosp wrote:But godix for Most Hateful anyway. |:>
Fix'd :wink:

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:37 am
by Nya-chan Production
<subliminal>godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix</subliminal>

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:19 am
by Zarxrax
ArashinomeAMV wrote:The crazy part is godix actually earned it this year. :amv:
This. :lol:

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:39 pm
by BasharOfTheAges
Whether you want to admit it or not, snaky asses that push the boundaries and point out our flaws are more helpful to any community than the people that bend over backwards to hand lazy noobs their answers on a silver platter.

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:09 pm
by Otohiko
BasharOfTheAges wrote:Whether you want to admit it or not, snaky asses that push the boundaries and point out our flaws are more helpful to any community than the people that bend over backwards to hand lazy noobs their answers on a silver platter.
Really now? How so?

If you take out the hyperboles there, I think it becomes obvious that for a community to function, you need both.

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:40 am
by jasper-isis
To be honest, I think godix's sneakily intelligent comments are wasted on the lot of you who
1. only take it for entertainment value
2. know what he's talking about, understand the flaws that he points out, but still choose not to do anything about anything

Oh but hell, I can't really blame you. Caring takes a substantial emotional investment, and this is just a hobby... the habits are too deeply-rooted... why stress out over amvs?... it's much more fun to let it all go and just socialize instead...

Snark and sarcasm make it so easy for others to laugh things off rather than actually think about what they can do to fix these flaws. Now that godix has actually built up a solid amount of credibility, I wish he'd say some things more directly instead of hiding behind the ambiguity of satire. But when change is not worth the effort, who am I to ruin anybody's fun?