Best Rookie / Most Improved? (Self-Promotion ^^;)

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Best Rookie / Most Improved? (Self-Promotion ^^;)

Post by [ZeaL] » Fri Jan 23, 2004 5:05 am

Everyone else is doing it, so I figure I'd might as well get in on it too. Besides, my second-newest video (which I am extremely proud of) is woefully without comments as of yet, so i figure I can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

My profile is here, with links to all my vids.
Please disregard the untitled one......

Anyways, all four of my videos from this past year (which are also my first 4 videos) are there. The Hoshi no Koe one is my favourite, but that's just me, of course.

I feel (and here is where the self-important bragging may enter in) that, for a rookie, I have done an extremely good job on my first videos, and also that between Haruko + Naota and Your Presence Still Lingers Here, there has been a marked improvement in my skills and technique. Nothing super fancy, nothing super flashy, but I am of the opinion that you don't need flash all the time to tell a good story. (Though I do enjoy "flashy" videos as much as the next person; just not when I'm making them, necessarily).

I submit these for your consideration. I haven't seen as many of the eligible videos as many of you may have, so I know you'll have a better sense of where I stand than I do, perhaps, but I do hope you'll consider my works when you're thinking about who to nominate for various categories, specifically the aforementioned ones.

Thank you for your time. :D[/url]

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Post by DarkSchneider » Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:13 pm


Since I joined, my videos looked like less than shit or so in the beginning, but since I got into this, I improved quite a bit, while I'm not up there yet with "The Big Dogs of AMV making", I believe I've still made progress. If you wanna see, check out my profile with the list of my videos, please disregard the empty vid entries though. And....well, you be the jydge, this is the VCA after all. ... er_id=9750 - DarkSchneider's Profile


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