Can't log in to my account

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Can't log in to my account

Post by rwntree77 » Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:18 am

Hi. Been away a while. I think the last time I logged in must have been just after the big password purge in 2012? My username is rpm77, but I can't remember whatever new password I used and I can't for the life of me remember the email address I was using at the time. None of the ones I use now work for the password reset, which... is weird because I honestly can't recall having any more than I have now. I know I'm not supposed to have duplicate accounts on the org, but the password purge announcement thread said to contact GloryQuestor or Kariudo, but I couldn't do that without creating a new account. I tried to pm one of them but it's a new acct so I don't have enough participation points to do that, either. >.<

Since the org doesn't save paypal info, the only proof I have that I'm me is through yt. My yt handle is rwntree77, but if you look at my vids most of them are signed rpm77 and the upload dates go back years. I'd post a link but I remember something about yt being The Site That Cannot Be Named. Also, my original handle on this site was rwntree77 and I'm pretty sure there's a plea from me in the "change name" thread to change it to rpm77.

So... uh... little help? I finally got the urge to make vids again, and would really, really love to post them under the rpm77 handle. lol.

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Re: Can't log in to my account

Post by mirkosp » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:08 am ... 8#p1122668

Found the post, but unfortunately back then we didn't save the name changes info so it doesn't state what it was before.
That said, youtube isn't banned anymore these days, so feel free to link your account, and either way your post sounds believable and honest enough. I personally, however, cannot help you with your password reset needs, but if in the meantime this can help, I can tell you that the email of that account is an email. Hopefully that's enough for you to remember which mail it is without me posting the whole mail.
If that's still not enough for you to recover your account, you'll have to wait an admin to budge in (probably GQ or Yue).

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Re: Can't log in to my account

Post by GloryQuestor » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:15 pm

Working on it now.
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