Project Org Editor


What is Project Org Editor?
Project Org Editor is an online AMV tournament held over 2 months. During that time, participants compete in week-long preliminary rounds by creating AMVs that adhere to specific themes. Submitted videos are then judged on their portrayal of the theme, creativity, editing, and overall enjoyability. After the preliminaries, the top-scoring participants will then compete in the finals to determine this year’s Project Org Editor champion.
How does it work?
There will be 6 non-elimination preliminary rounds and 1 single-elimination final round. Editors can participate in as many preliminaries as they like but are encouraged to take breaks and skip rounds as they see fit. To be eligible for the finals, editors will need to participate in at least 3 preliminary rounds, and their top 3 scores will be added together to form their total score. The 5 participants with the highest total scores will then compete in the final round to determine the winner.
The competition is hosted on, and receives prize sponsorship from MomoCon. The 1st place winner will receive a $100 cash prize, while the 2nd place winner will receive $50. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th place winners will receive $25 each along with numerous preliminary round videos that'll receive Judges’s Choice awards. The top 5 participants and recipients of Judge's Choice awards will also receive a 4-day membership to MomoCon 2025.
Rules & Additional Information
*There is no registration deadline, and anyone can enter the competition at any time.
*Participants can only join as individuals: MEPs or Collabs will not be accepted.
*Each preliminary round will start immediately after the previous round ends.
*There are no preliminary round eliminations, and participants are allowed to enter as many or as few rounds as they like.
*Participants are only required to enter 3 of the 6 preliminary rounds to be eligible to compete in the finals.
*All forms of animation are allowed in the competition. This includes but isn't limited to non-Japanese animation like RWBY, Steven Universe, Overwatch, and League of Legends.
*All entries must be created within the one-week time frame of each round. Videos completed outside of that span are not eligible.
*To be accepted, entries will need to be submitted via the appropriate Google Form no later than 3 hours after the round deadline.
*Each participant can submit only one video per round. Anyone who attempts to submit multiple entries or compete using multiple names will be disqualified.
*Submitted videos must adhere to the applicable Basic & Auxiliary guidelines outlined in the CONGRSS Rules
Scoring & Judging
*Within 7 days of each deadline, all of the accepted videos for that round will be scored by the judges. The videos will also be made available to view via Google Drive. Finalists will be live-streamed on the YouTube Channel.
*Only a person’s top 3 preliminary scores will be accepted regardless of how many rounds they participate in.
*There will be a week long break after the 3rd and 6th Preliminaty round. After the preliminaries, the top 3 scores from each participant will be tallied, and the 5 editors with the highest total scores will be declared finalists.
*In the case of a tie at the end of either the preliminaries or final round, the winner will be determined by their highest single-round total from all previous rounds.
Scoring Criteria
Concept (20) - theme, source pairing, originality, creativity
Editing (20) - sync, effects, audio/ video quality, scene selection
Enjoyability (10) - mood, rewatchability
We're happy to welcome Kireblue, Shorisquared, TroubleClef, Ileia, and MomoCon Co-chair, JessPanda as judges.
*All rounds will begin at 12:01 AM ET, and end at 11:59 PM ET
Preliminary Round 1: 09/06 - 09/12
Preliminary Round 2: 09/13 - 09/19
Preliminary Round 3: 09/20 - 09/26
Break: 09/27 - 10/03
Preliminary Round 4: 10/04 - 10/10
Preliminary Round 5: 10/11 - 10/17
Preliminary Round 6: 10/18 - 10/24
Break: 10/25 - 10/31
Final Round: 11/01 - 11/17
Winners Announcement: 11/23 @ 7PM ET (via live-stream)
Editors are encouraged to join the Discord Server to ask questions and chat with other participants.