Video Information


  • Member: Pie Row Maniac
  • Studio: Donuts Inc.
  • Title: Dark Schneider vs The Army of Darkness
  • Premiered: 2004-04-28
  • Categories:
  • Songs:
    • Army of Darkness Trailer Army of Darkness Trailer
    • Sami Raimi Army of Darkness Movie Trailer
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Army of Darkness and Bastard contained similar main characters: A badass/smartass with special capabilities compared to the simple folk, forced into the role of hero against a great evil in the world. Both contained memorable moments of wit, humor, and above all, style. The video idea was born.

    This was mainly made so I could have something new to show at SakuraCon, and it's a good thing I did. The other entry (BIA2 BAM) didn't show, most likely due to a glitch in the SVCD or the sound effects in the video disqualified it. Either way, the only thing showing of mine was this trailer. What surprised me is how nervous I was when it came on screen. I didn't expect to be when it came on, and I didn't really have a reason to be, especially considering how much the crowd loved it. What made me laugh was actually hearing a few people in the audience talk along with the trailer: "This... is my BOOMSTICK!"
    hehe, awesome crowd. Thanks guys. :D

    One thing I should have done differently while editing was seperate the episodes per D2V file. I had one large containing all six episodes, which made browsing for certain clips (the one of Arsches Nei exploding in rage, for example) hard to find in the large file.

    There were a few scenes that left me scratching my head, as to what I could put there that would work with the audio. The coughing scene and the "they suck" scene, in particular. You might have noticed. Although to be honest, I loved how the "they suck" scene came out, hehe. Can't argue with fanservice. ;)

    Another note of scene selection: Yoko hitting Dark Schneider near the end was NOT an intended lip sync. It just matched up well, and is rather weird looking in my opinion. Yoko's one of the leading ladies, not the damn narrator. :P

    Re-encoding this thing is a painful story. Read if you wish.
    I made an SVCD beta before making the final one I sent in, and that was the only copy of the trailer I had. I took the file off the SVCD and try encoding it in different programs (TMPGEnc, TMPGEnc Plus, VirtualDub) but nothing worked. Pwolf tried the video in VirtualDubMod and it worked fine. I download a copy of the program, pop the video in, voila! Now comes the fun part: Every encode of whatever codec I used either ended up with horrible quality or a horrible file size. What to do, eh? After all that, I tried this instead: I encoded it in Huffyuv, then stuck it in TMPGEnc, set my usual settings that I use whenever I used TMPGEnc, and voila x2! A decent-sized looks-good-enough-in-full-screen trailer.

    Special Thanks
    Pwolf (for recommending VirtualDubMod)
    NME (for sending me a good quality audio rip of the AoD trailer)
    SakuraCon (for liking it at it's premiere :D)

    Used Software
    Adobe Premiere 6.0
    Adobe Photoshop 7.0


Opinions (12)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.60
  • 9.00
  • 9.10
  • 9.40
  • 9.60
  • 9.17
  • 9.30
  • 8.50
  • 9.40
